[quote]LjSimpson08 wrote:
Of which no information you just gave me was useful in the slightest…Oh wait how about this…
I understand that HGH is one of the most beneficial simply because it builds muscle, looses fat and I asked if it did a few other things as well because I couldnt find any information relating to it and I hoped someone would know.
I understand (most likely more so than you Brook) the reason why you take anti estrogens (to free up available test and stop conversion) when your on a cycle and wanted to know what was the best gear to run thru a cycle with said boosters
I also understand why its recommended to take injectables over pills and why its imperative unless you want to spend months recovering to take products designed to regulate liver, thyroid, and testosterone production, oh and again I WANTED TO KNOW TO RUN.
And last, I’m well aware that different gear has different side affects, and again surprise I wanted to know what to run with the cycle, not taking my time to read a post that sounds like your trying to deter me from achieving the next “level” of things
So while I’m wiping my ass with your post Brook, thanks to everyone else that can positively contribute to my goal in question.[/quote]
Well - if you know all that - why the fuck are you here asking for answers to the most basic of questions then?
You are clearly an arrogant little shit - with so little intellect, you cant even pull up past posts about the person you are trying to flame - just to check if you do know more than them - as you so boldly claimed.
But then, if you could do that - you could have searched competently for the answers to the very poor quality questions you asked too - but nope, you can’t do even that.
I don’t need to systematically answer to each of your points - because i know what i know, the people that post here know what i know - and we ALL know what you know… let me leave you with a few quotes:
“…can anyone clarify or rather tell me if HGH and or Steroids has any effect on bone strength, neuro muscular capacities, and tendon/ligament strength…?”
“…with just about every kind of steroid and hgh being sold at the chemist (pharmacy) which combination or stack would be best…?”
When discussing a Masteron cycle (and believing it is available as a Human Pharmaceutical product);
“…So if that’s the primary cycle, is anything needed for anti-estrogen, or to normalize you after the cycle is done…?”
“…As far as the cycle length I’ve found from my experience from supplements in general 45 days on, 15 days off works rather well with me…”
I rest my case - you are right, your knowledge on AAS cycle design is far superior to anyone elses - especially mine.
Please, please give me more quotes…