First off, I’ve been training on a regular basis for about eight weeks now. I’m at the gym five days a week, doing a three day split with tuesday and thursdays for hamstrings, calves, and abs. I’m 40 years old, 5’8", 155 lbs, with 23% bodyfat. The bodyfat measurement was before I started working out. Just started recording everything that I eat and I found out that I wasn’t eating enough calories per day.
My goal is to gain 20 - 30 lbs of lean muscle. In short I haven’t gained a single pound, I can tell I’ve gotten a little leaner but no weight gain. Well, I have two questions, first am I missing something out of the supplements I take, secondly looking for books that I can read to get a better understanding of nutrition and bodybuilding. The supplements I take are below:
Whey Protein - Snack 1
VPX Shotgun - 30 minutes prior to workout
VPX Synthasize - During workout
Whey Protein - after workout
Casein Protein - before bed
ZMA - before bed
I eat 5 times a day basically every three hours, been thinking about going to every two hours to help increase my calorie intake. Thanks in advance for the help. Also I just changed my lifting days around since I was told that there is a muscle memory