[quote]its_just_me wrote:
Just to contribute more:
The mind/muscle connection is more important with isolation exercises than compound movements.
Compound movements target more than just one muscle group, so it is natural and acceptable to use a bit more speed / less target muscle focus in them.
If a compound movement (e.g. Bb bench press) does little to build the target muscle, then all the focus in the world would probably do little to bring it up (e.g. delts and triceps taking over movement)…it would likely be better to pick a substitute and/or do more isolation exercises for that body part.
As regards isolation exercises (e.g. curls), you’ve lost the benefit in them by bouncing/swaying [excessively] and speeding through the reps and not keeping the tension 100% especially on the negative portion.
All the focus and best form in the world will not make the muscles grow if you don’t focus on load progression. Sure, don’t lose focus too much, but don’t get anal about it :)[/quote]
If you attempt to focus on one muscle when performing a compound movement, you fail at that lift. But you can still focus on a collection of muscles. When i squat, im not thinking quads the entire movement. Im thinking of the entire muscle group involved in the movement. Glutes, Hams, Quads. Feeling the tension, feeling the fibers themselves quiver.
And yes, people are built differently. A compound lift for someone may not be as beneficial for another. Thats one big reason why i stress Isolation movements. I mean i love compound, and think they are the most beneficial at the beginner stage, but as one progress, i believe its more beneficial to switch to a medium-high isolation regiment. I agree that focus will do nothing if there is no progression. That is also another reason why i preach Ramping. I feel its one of the best methods of building muscle, breaking through strength walls, etc.
The human body is a HUGE untapped resource. We are capable of SO much more than we give credit for. Tap your well, but beware the power that may come surging forward, it will do a number on your skin.