[i]Insurgents in Iraq have hacked into live video feeds from unmanned American drone aircraft, US media reports say.
Shia fighters are said to have used off-the-shelf software programs such as SkyGrabber to capture the footage.[i]
The hacking was possible because the remotely flown planes have an unprotected communications link.
Keep in mind that the US spends over 600 billion dollars on the military per year. That puts the US at the top of the military expenditure list. In fact, it spends more than the ten next countries COMBINED!
(And those include countries like China, France, the UK, Russia, etc.)
The US spends more than the world combined on military and defense is news since when? Come on man, we have been that way for decades. Much love to the soldiers but this government is war hungry and greed stricken.
[quote]666Rich wrote:
The US spends more than the world combined on military and defense is news since when? Come on man, we have been that way for decades. Much love to the soldiers but this government is war hungry and greed stricken.[/quote]
agreed but for whose benefit? Is it for national interest, personal gains, oil or all of those?
I would say a perverted version of the first, and then the latter two definatley. We have not recently fought war on our soil, thus politicians can are quick to send troops to show that they are “tough”, just like incacerating prisoners and buidling prisons shows they are “tough” to win votes. This is while they ignore the root causes, ie our funding to the iranian and iraqi governments during the 80’s during mass genocide on both sides, or funding of the afghan resistance and leaving the country in shambles. Our “whims” bite us in the ass and promote more debacles. I would just rather us be honest and say “we are an imperialist nation” rather than supporting friendly ass dictators with military aid and horrible human rights records and then invading a country in the name of democracy and upsetting economic and social stability.
by all means I dont condone saddam hussien, but we act like our shit doesnt stink and then cry when the toilet plugs.
More trade, less military action. If you have the damn UN and Nato, use that instead of unilateral whimsical nonsense.
More trade, less military action. If you have the damn UN and Nato, use that instead of unilateral whimsical nonsense.[/quote]
Did you know that the US Navy was started because of Arab pirates that were attacking American trade ships?
Ok, does that mean we should have troops in saudi arabia, yemen , quatar, bahrian…etc? Germany? Japan? I understand it from a strategic point of view with world influence and all that but from an ideological viewpoint it costs us way too much money, gets us into problems that we shouldnt have, and drains the budget.
This is an issue that is very complex for us here on T-Nation to analyze, but my sentiments involve having a self defense force, more like snub nose .38 than weatherby mag.
[quote]666Rich wrote:
Ok, does that mean we should have troops in saudi arabia, yemen , quatar, bahrian…etc? Germany? Japan? I understand it from a strategic point of view with world influence and all that but from an ideological viewpoint it costs us way too much money, gets us into problems that we shouldnt have, and drains the budget.
This is an issue that is very complex for us here on T-Nation to analyze, but my sentiments involve having a self defense force, more like snub nose .38 than weatherby mag.[/quote]
Perfectly reasonable posts Rich, but don’t expect the war-mongers in this forum to agree with you.
[i]Insurgents in Iraq have hacked into live video feeds from unmanned American drone aircraft, US media reports say.
Shia fighters are said to have used off-the-shelf software programs such as SkyGrabber to capture the footage.[i]
The hacking was possible because the remotely flown planes have an unprotected communications link.
Keep in mind that the US spends over 600 billion dollars on the military per year. That puts the US at the top of the military expenditure list. In fact, it spends more than the ten next countries COMBINED!
(And those include countries like China, France, the UK, Russia, etc.)
About as nonsensical as the statement religion of peace.
Hopefully a lot of your pals were able to watch themselves being blown up.
Since this made it out into the public it’s probably a counter intelligence story planted to give your buddies overconfidence. The media are even easier to dupe then the jihadists.
[quote]666Rich wrote:
Ok, does that mean we should have troops in saudi arabia, yemen , quatar, bahrian…etc? Germany? Japan? I understand it from a strategic point of view with world influence and all that but from an ideological viewpoint it costs us way too much money, gets us into problems that we shouldnt have, and drains the budget.
This is an issue that is very complex for us here on T-Nation to analyze, but my sentiments involve having a self defense force, more like snub nose .38 than weatherby mag.[/quote]
Ok, so are you saying that it’s ok when bandits take over the seas?
Come on 666Rich are you really that naive? Peace through Strength. Yes it is OUR national interest that matter the most to us. Why is it so hard for hippies to understand that? Like Jawara said our Navy was started because THEY picked on us first.
Self-preservation of our Nation is what comes first. Like you said Rich from a strategy point it matters but it also matters from an Ideology point. If we don’t do it, then China or Russia will do it.
[quote]666Rich wrote:
but from an ideological viewpoint it costs us way too much money, gets us into problems that we shouldnt have, and drains the budget.
Perfectly reasonable posts Rich, but don’t expect the war-mongers in this forum to agree with you.
You should post more often.[/quote]
Yeah, Rich, please post more about how the “ideological viewpoint” concerns itself with cost and budgets.
Let’s see if anybody besides Dustin applauds your nonsensical statements.
Here we are. War-monger number one steps to plate.
Please point out all of the “nonsensical statements”. You should have no problem doing this, correct?
I;l put it into a different poin of view. Lets say your little brother gets a good paying job after school in a different part of town. He takes the school bus and then rides his skatebord a couple blocks. On the way, a neighborhood bully decides that it;s HIS sidewalk and and beats the sht out of your brother, what woud you do?
[quote]666Rich wrote:
This is while they ignore the root causes, ie our funding to the iranian and iraqi governments during the 80’s during mass genocide on both sides, or funding of the afghan resistance and leaving the country in shambles. .[/quote]
Ya, maybe we should go back to 1980 and fix that!
or maybe you could stop being a moron and realize that NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO…there will be results you cannot forsee.
We helped the “afghan resistance” to defend themselves. What did we owe them beyond that? What COULD we have done…they didn’t want us there any more then they wanted Russia. You’re black and white simple view of the world must be comfortable…but it isn’t reality.
[quote]jawara wrote:
I;l put it into a different poin of view. Lets say your little brother gets a good paying job after school in a different part of town. He takes the school bus and then rides his skatebord a couple blocks. On the way, a neighborhood bully decides that it;s HIS sidewalk and and beats the sht out of your brother, what woud you do? [/quote]
Well…first I’d contact the international agencys that claim to own that area. I’d also contact whatever national government was in charge. I’d ask both to intercede on my brother’s behalf. While waiting for them to send troops and aid (because after all, we’re going to need to feed and educate this bully) I would contact any Non Government Orginzations that I could to attempt to get them to also act on my brother’s behalf. Lastly I would contact the local milita and police forces, though I doubt they would act as they have clearly allowed this bully to operate and most likely work mwith him. Failing that I would attempt to pass endless laws and resolutions and contact the press.
I expect I could get some sort of action in about 6 to 12 months at a cost of several hundred millions.