[quote]hspder wrote:
JeffR wrote:
Well, it’s getting close to election time.
Time for the bet.
Time to stop running mouths and put your money on the table.
I’ll bet the Republicans retain control of both Houses.
If the democrats win one or (gasp) more: I’ll become
If the Republicans win the dems who accept the challenge become:
The Anti-Americans like reckless, pookie, juniho, ephrem and orion are welcome to join in!!!
Good luck.
You seem to be in need of an explanation here of how betting works, so here it goes:
Right now the odds of option 1 are 20:1 vs option 2 (i.e., it is 20x more likely that the Republicans maintain control of both Houses than not).
Therefore, you must realize the rules of betting dictate that for me to get in the action, the benefit in case I win needs to be 20x greater than the one for you if you win.
Let’s do this: if I win, only 1/40 of conservatives that ever posted in this forum get to continue to post. If you win, 1/2 of the liberals do.
THAT would be a fair bet, considering the odds right now. Are you in?[/quote]
Ok, I think I’ve established that the dems aren’t nearly as confident as their talking heads.
I thought the dems (with their clear and compelling party platform) would salivate at the opportunity to rub it in.
Remember, only twice in our Republic’s history has a President picked up seats in midterm elections: TR and GWB.
Therefore, it would seem that the dems (again, with the strength of their leaders, their clear strategy, their clever alternatives) would have no trouble taking at least on House.
They couldn’t lose two mid-term cycles in a row to the “dummy” George W. Bush. Could they?
Seems like a pretty safe bet, hey lefties?
Hey, hspder, I’ve been quite flexible. However, I reject your formula.
How’s this one: If we take the square root of nancy pelosi’s gross income, divide it by the number of dems who voted for and now are against the Iraq War, multiply that by the first 8 digits of pi, then divide by the number of dems who couldn’t figure out a butterfly ballot, add to it the IQ of the dem who used microsoft word to forge W’s National Guard Papers, subtract ted kennedy’s maximum blood alcohol level, and finally take (benaffleck’s arm size/sean penn’s number of times in a gym) to the 8th degree, maybe we could get a more accurate gauge to determine who needs to change their names.