Microdosing NPP with Low Dose Test

Do you think its because lack or androgenic stimulation or lack of estrogenic activity.

I feel low e2 on tren, If I take e2 with tren, i’m better.

What’s the assumed standard ratio? Test:NPP?

I’ve read some guys run NPP solo

I have read some need a lot of test to balance it out.

I have NPP mast and proviron and and trying to figure out which to add to my test … and at what dose. Thx.

Most agree 2:1 Test: Nandrolone. I’ve never found a ratio that made me feel all that great. There are reports all over the internet of all different ratios “working” for different guys. You’ll have to experiment for yourself. I never found a ratio that gave me the right balance of benefits vs. sides. I don’t mess with the stuff anymore.

Don’t mess with nand specifically anymore or anabolics in general?
Is there anything about nand that turned you off