Well, I know Demo just posted, but here’s my perspective on the pictures. First of all, Tek hit it on the head, the last thing I want is to have some random person in they gym or in the mall recognize me. I can just imagine it “Hey, aren’t you Michelle from the T-Mag column? You’re the one who is loud enough while you’re fucking to be heard five houses away, right?” Invariably it would be while I was with my mom or my aunt. Second, I am painfully aware that I do not look like Patricia (who looks spectacular, by the way). I am pretty average looking. Yes, I lift and have more muscle than most women, but I’m no fitness model. I think I can be pretty thick skinned, but I’ve seen what some people have said to guys who post their pics on the forum… and there are some of you out there who could and would be very mean. Maybe I’m a wimp, but my self-confidence doesn’t need to be shredded. Finally, I don’t stop traffic, but I don’t curdle milk either. I’ve had, and currently do have, some pretty damn hot boyfriends. I’m just not comfortable with putting a face with the intimate details of my sex life (but thanks for asking).
Bronx – No, I am the only regular forum user from the group. The other girls are around sometimes, but I’m the only addict. We are from all over the place, including Canada. I have never met or spoken to some of the group, a year ago when we put the group together we asked for volunteers, and I recruited Katie and Heather, and the Gang was formed.
DC –none of us are fat hairy men (well… not anymore *grin*). Trust me, TC and Chris were quite adamant that I find real women.
Josh – you and TC think alike, that’ s what he wanted to see in the next column as well!
Ok, so we have Josh and TC who want to hear about our fantasies… come on guys, you have seven women who are willing to bear all, well, kinda. *grin* That’s one question down, I need 6 more to make an article!