so a friend of mine rung me up the other day and said he had some gear to get rid of, and would do it cheap. Being the good friend I am I offered to take it off his hands. Would’ve been stupid not to.
got my hands on some T400 and Deca which I’ll use for my next cycle, so that’s good.
However, one of the other things I’ve picked up is a bottle of methyltrienolone. I’d never heard of it, so I googled around a bit and HOLY SHIT! It sounds like the most horrifically toxic, liver destroying substance on the planet, but the gains people are reporting on it sound unreal (although it’s very hard to actually find people that have actually tried it…).
Has anyone here ever tried it? And if not, would you?
I have not but i think i would just opt for inj tren. You could probably run Methyltrienolone (or the liver destroyer lol) for 4 weeks safely but that said why not run tren for 8-12?
yeah, the only reason I have it is because I got offered some at bargain basement prices. Agreed to take it off the guy’s hands before I even knew what it was!
I’l maybe run it for 2-3 weeks at the end of my next cycle just to see what’s up
[quote]rds63799 wrote:
yeah, the only reason I have it is because I got offered some at bargain basement prices. Agreed to take it off the guy’s hands before I even knew what it was!
I’l maybe run it for 2-3 weeks at the end of my next cycle just to see what’s up[/quote]
Well, it is 120 times stronger than testosterone, so it should do something LOL. Also, it is basically oral trenbolone, by adding to the original trenbolone a 17-alph-methyl group in order to make it orally active. Taken from another respectable website: “People who were in the 2mg/day range developed highly elevated liver enzymes and Jaundice (yellowing of the eyes and skin). They all recovered, and through trial and error, a 500-750mcg dose was found to be (*relatively) safe, and (*roughly) as effective as 150-225mgs of Trenbolone Acetate.”
Thanks for posting that, I hadn’t heard of it either. It does seem to be pretty fuckin’ toxic but if you’ll just try it out for a couple of week make sure to let us know how it went! Maybe it’ll turn out to be a short-term-super-powerful tren
[quote]rds63799 wrote:
I think I’m going to run 500mcg for 2 weeks at the end of my next cycle.
What’s the worst that could happen?[/quote]
In two weeks, probably not much, although If I would ever take it, I would stack it with every liver protection known to human.[/quote]
you and me both mate, I’m ordering some double strength liv.52[/quote]
I am waiting for your experience. I read about it some more and it seems too good to be true. The whole greek weightlifting national team got caught with it in the 2008 olympics. It must be some good stuff.