Merry Christmas T-Nation

Merry Christmas!

for our non religious folks

Merry chrismahanukwanzakah and feliz navidad mother fuckers.

I wish peace to you all, merry christmas.

Did I miss the opportunity? I have been watching for a few days to see if anyone was going to post it…

WHOOO great workout just now! yall can kiss my ass! oh and joyeux noel

health and happiness to all. merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas everyone. :slight_smile:

yeah count me in on all the above

Merry Christmas all you jolly motherfuckers, have a good one!

I got HOT-ROX Extreme, a chinup bar, a jump rope and a morphy richards intellisteam steamer from Father Christmas!

Merry Christmas T Nation!

Merry Christmas! Got Spike, Rez-V, and Z-12 in my stocking. The wife signed up just so she could surprise me with an order.

Got that blender I’ve always wanted, plus a few boxes of oreos. Merry Christmas,y’all and a blessed new year!