Now as far as Cardarine being carcinogenic it is and I know the risk. And I know in the trials they had mice at 55mg a day equivalent to humans not some crazy amount like some people believe. They were also on it for two years though. I plan on being on it for 12 weeks. I also looked up the clinical trials of cigarettes and it’s a much higher percentage for being carcinogenic then cardarine. Now the reason cigarettes are allowed for human use and cardarine got dumped was that the standard for medical treatment drugs is much different then stimulates for recreational use. But yes I am totally aware of the risk. And to me I am ok taking that risk.
Goldman’s Dilemma comes to mind. Though not near to that extreme.
Thanks for all of the advice. I will continue my cut and run the cycle as planned. I will asses my condition/weight at 4 weeks out and decide if I will compete or not. I will make a separate post and look for input. Appreciate all of the feedback.
Worst part about my cut is my arms are shrinking! I know it just fat and water mostly but they weren’t huge to begin with. Down 1/2” so far…ugh.
Same here. Arms getting smaller by the day but waist is also getting slimmer. Lost nearly an inch on my waist in 4 weeks. 1-2 inches to go at least.
It could be worse. You could be me. Down 5lbs and I look exactly the same. Not even a hint of ‘oh yeah, I can see more definition here’ or ‘oh these pants fit a little better’. Nothing. Makes cutting feel totally worth it!
I know what you mean. I’m getting impatient. Down 6.5 lbs. The only thing fitting better is my lifting belt. Trying not to go berserk and drop calories again to see faster progress, especially since I’m agitated and aggressive all day. Makes me lower the calories and stick to the diet but also makes me scream at red lights and other inanimate objects. Can imagine what next stage would be haha
I’m just starting to see more definition after 15-20lbs. Weird thing is I wasn’t hungry all the time when heavier but I am now.
Lol I noticed same thing. I put the belt on for the first time in awhile and thought I had my friends belt.
The lifting belt being loose is a good sign that you are losing fat off of the torso. Great thing in my book!
Does Tren ace or anavar increase total testosterone? I was told that mast does not because it’s a synthetic derivative of dihydrotestosterone, so it has no effect on TT. I ask because I get labs done every 3 months, and they will fall within the last weeks of my cycle. My doc mainly looks at TT, E2, and Hemocrit, along with whatever else I ask for. I don’t want him to freak if he sees that my TT is sky high. I’m keeping my TRT dose the same during the cycle. Thanks
On the non-sensitive assay tren will show up as e2. Neither anavar nor tren will read as testosterone. The only thing that reads as testosterone (aside from the obvious) is nandrolone. Again, this is assuming the non-sensitive assay is used. If your test is LC/MS-MS then everything will read out properly.
Have you thought about just being honest with your Dr. I get my labs pulled every 3 months as well. My doctor does it to keep an eye on my levels and that what I insurance will pay any closer together and I have to pay out of pocket. Any way when I first blasted I was not gonna tell my Dr. but my wife told me I should. So I ended up telling him before my blast and he said he couldn’t condone it and told me the risk involved. Ultimately he said that I was a grown ass man that I was gonna do what I wanted anyway. So he said I will continue to review my labs if I went somewhere else to get them because again he wasn’t gonna condone it. So I looked into it and found out that labs will pull your blood and run them without a doctor if I would have to pay out of pocket for it. Also that he would not prescribe me any test C while I was blasting as well. So that what I did. Then after I blasted I went to get my labs done after about 3 weeks of not pinning and the were in the normal range. So I took them to him and he said to wait another week then he would pull my labs and if the test levels were sub 500 and free test sub 15.3 we would start back up on TRT. Also provided that everything else was in order health wise no high b/p, lipids etc. so that’s what we do now when I decide to blast and I am very open about what I am doing so that he can give me the best treatment and advice no sense in lying if you don’t have to. Just something to think about and consider just my opinion
That’s obviously true but what I asked myself is, on a LC-MS analysis it’s nearly impossible to not catch something like Tren. Also in a MS analysis the sum formula is instantly known and there aren’t that many molecules which are taken exogenously with the exact same weight as Tren. So a simple Google search will tell the guy who does the analysis what that peak next to estrogen is.
The problem for them probably is that to validate the result they have to run a control. Besides WADA and some other high class testing institutions, nobody has them, because they are expensive.
Anavar doesn’t show up at test but may impact clearance times due to it’s effect on SHBG. I posted a question a few months ago on this and it went back and forth for a while. I can tell you I had a variation of a few hundred points using anavar between two sets of labs both with a 150 mg/wk TC, 1200 vs 790. I have labs coming soon, I’ll be cutting my anavar three weeks prior to help stabilize prior.
What do you guys think of the following support supplement during the the cycle.
I already take the following
- Animal pak multi
- Animal flex joint support
- Vitamin D - 5,000 iu
I added these during the cycle
Liver support: milk thistle 400mg, NAC 250mg, Tudca 250mg. Running 4 week Oral/anavar
CoQ10 - 100mg and Omega 3 fish oils - EPA 600mg DHA 500mg for cardiovascular support
P5P - 50mg, help reduce increase prolactin from Tren.
Any other suggestions? Thanks
You can skip the TUDCA and the milk thistle. NAC is all around good for you so you should feel free to use it anyway, irrespective of whether or not you’re using orals. Anavar hits the kidneys more than the liver, so proper hydration is probably more important than liver supplements.
I showed it to my TRT doctor a year ago and he agreed with it. Just my two cents worth
Is this the stuff he’s talking about? He says it so fast I’m not sure:
I was about to say why Tren for 12 weeks, also I would use it the second part 6-12.