The trailer:
The giant shark takes out a jumbo jet (seriously) in honor of JLu’s new avatar
date night!
Suck my Diiiiiiick!
I’m a shaark!!
LMFAO I thought my avatar was just some ridiculous shoop job. The effects from that movie look like something from the early 90s.
Great job Lorenzo Lamas. Way to bring your “A” game.
Is this a movie or is this a tv series? Either way, it is EPIC.
Snakes on a Plane, all over again.
It’s a movie by the Asylum, look up some of their other stuff, it’s equally pathetic. They make low budget shitty rip-offs of well known movies, hoping enough people will mistakenly buy them to make a profit.
Its a pioneering effort nonetheless. After years of dribbling around, Hollywood finally cast an asian actor as the romantic lead opposite a white chick.
And it took Asylum productions to do that, so who cares?
[quote]hungry4more wrote:
It’s a movie by the Asylum, look up some of their other stuff, it’s equally pathetic. They make low budget shitty rip-offs of well known movies, hoping enough people will mistakenly buy them to make a profit. [/quote]
Haha. Have you actually sat through an entire movie by the company? If not, I’ll forgive your ignorant statement. Trust me, “pioneering” as such should never be seen in public. Watch AVH and you’ll agree.
A friend and I actually watched this entire movie. It was one of the best comedies I’ve ever seen. And the scientist chick was hot.
This movie is definitely Asylum’s ticket to mainstream success: A giant shark chowing down on the Golden Gate Bridge + Debbie Gibson contemplating said mutant shark against an arty sunset = guaranteed box-office bullion.
I hate Asylum movies as much as the next person, but to make a movie of such misguided genius, they must’ve been rummaging through a dumpster looking for scraps, only to find the soiled underwear of a muse of inspiration and made straight-to-DVD magic. There is no other explanation.
^^^ Pretty impressive, no?
Me and the gf watched it a little while back (it was on syfy). Freakin hilarious!
[quote]drewh wrote:
Some asylum movies.[/quote]
But all those movies are blatant rip-offs. Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus is a true original.
[quote]Sentoguy wrote:
Me and the gf watched it a little while back (it was on syfy). Freakin hilarious!
I saw about 2 minutes on TV, too. Worst acting I’ve seen since the Fast and the Furious.
Exactly. This film was the work of pure genius.
The fact that most of the actors could maintaina straight face on camera entitles them to an oscar in my book.
[quote]roybot wrote:
[quote]drewh wrote:
Some asylum movies.[/quote]
But all those movies are blatant rip-offs. Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus is a true original.[/quote]
You watched a movie titled “Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus” and expected to find Denzel and De Niro?
This ain’t thespian night, yo. This is Sci-fi on an even lower budget.
[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:
[quote]Sentoguy wrote:
Me and the gf watched it a little while back (it was on syfy). Freakin hilarious!
I saw about 2 minutes on TV, too. Worst acting I’ve seen since the Fast and the Furious.[/quote]
Transmorphers was the worst movie I have ever seen. Yet in saying that, I don’t think I have ever laughed harder for 2 hours straight in my life. Thy miss the bullseye by so much that they just got lucky and hit another bullseye on another dartboard, on another planet, in another galaxy.