Currently looking for food alternatives whrn living in hotels for work. Currently I found diced chicken for 8.00, but thats about it.
Only thing i have is s small beer fridge and a microwave.
Currently looking for food alternatives whrn living in hotels for work. Currently I found diced chicken for 8.00, but thats about it.
Only thing i have is s small beer fridge and a microwave.
Are you traveling or at the same place for a longer duration? There are coolers you can plug in so it’s like a mini fridge that you can pre-prep and store meals in.
You could order from a meal prep service and bring those meals.
Find grocery stores that have hot food sections and pick up some pre cooked chicken and get some microwave rice containers.
Get chicken breast from The Chicken Pound and bring it with you and get microwave rice and veggies.
You didn’t mention if you are driving or flying to your locations. This would make a difference. More info from you will garner better answers from us.
The Chicken Pound
Code “MISSY” for discount
We drive and currently spend 9 days in a single spot.
You can cook eggs in a microwave by cracking them in a coffee mug or glass container.
Canned meat ala chicken breasts, tuna, salmon, sardines, etc. No fridge required.
Greek yogurt or cottage cheese.
If you’re driving then any of the suggestions above will work. Assuming hotel has breakfast covered? Get a big plug in cooler and take meals or just take protein and get carb sources you can cook in the microwave.
I also like the canned chicken and microwave rice in a pinch.
My son can eat a Costco rotisserie chicken for every meal every day of his life; that’s easy to grab and microwave.
I take huge advantage of eggs and fruit at any hotel breakfast.
Can you travel with bags of Metabolic Drive? One of those keeps me full for awhile.
Are you eating all meals in the room?
A few other carb options - oatmeal and baked sweet potatoes or baked potatoes. The microwave can do it all! Cheese sticks are great too - a little protein and fat and they don’t take up a lot of space in the fridge.
I usually buy myself cottage cheese , mixed nuts, bananas.
The fact that you are driving and having issues just makes me think you’re not trying hard enough. No offense but this is an easy solution if you’re driving
Now if you’re flying. That’s different. It’s hard to bring a week’s worth of meals with you on the plane.
I use meal delivery service called Trifecta nutrition. I highly recommend them. Cleanest meals I can find that are pre-made.
They have microwaves and mini-fridges in rooms, so you can store and cook easily.
You can make instant oatmeal in the Keuring machine. Dump the oatmeal in a cup, don’t put a k-cup in the machine, turn on the machine, when the machine is done pouring water just stir and wait for the oats to finish cooking.