Today I decided to nut up and start a log, as I have been reading articles and the forum here for about a year. I am a collegiate soccer player, and I have been hitting the weights on and off for about 2 years, with this last year being consistent. My passion for lifting really grew over the last year, and I feel it has been major positive component of my life.
Basic Info:
Height: 6’ 3
Weight: ~230
Age: 18
Bench: 250
Dead: 500
Squat: 405 for reps
I am blessed to be in college, and I make the most of the weight room and dining services on campus. My goals are to improve athletic performance, and self-improvement. I typically run a BB split, but I’ll use some weeks/days as explosive/ strength days that focus on the BB split body part
felt sick today, took longer rest periods. been up late studying for finals and the colder weather is starting to hit me. still managed to squeeze out a few PR’s
I wanted to put some focus on rear delts today, so I put them first. The rest of the workout was pretty scattered and didn’t have much intensity. I did some reverse hyper for recovery from squats yesterday.
I’ve been having some computer issues for a while, but I think I have them all sorted out. Still been training, just unable to post. Here are the two most recent sessions: