Maťo's Training Log

Deload week

5 x 50 kg, 5 x 60 kg, 2 x 65 kg

Dips 3 x 8 + 10 kg, 12 x BW
Pullups 4 x 12

Trap bar deadlift
5 x 117 kg, 3 x 127 kg, 1 x 132 kg, 0 x 137 kg

DB romanian deadlift 2 x 10 => 33 kg
DB goblet squat 2 x 10 => 33 kg
Hanging leg raises 4 x 10

Benchpress => I should only add 2.5 kg after 60 kg and tried 5 reps. Maybe next time. With 65 kg I tried to 3 reps, but I lost bar bath on way up.

Deadlift => PR on 5 / 3 / 1 reps

I was able deadlift 117 kg for 3 reps month ago. Today I didn’t fell a well for hit a PR on deadlift. Deadlift with 117 kg for 5 reps was easy, better than last time, so I decided to add weight 5 kg on each side. The plan was at least 1 RP with 127 kg, which would be my lifetime PR on deadlift, but I was surprised with 3 reps. Then I added 2.5 kg on each side, borrowed belt and tried to lift 132 kg. First half of deadlift was slow, but after I was around knee level, it was no problem to finish lift.

After that I tried to deadlift 137 kg, but I was not able to lift the bar from the floor, probably due the accumulated fatigue, so maybe next time…

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31.12.2023 deload day 4

Overhead press
5 x 30 kg, 5 x 35kg, 5 x 37,5 kg, 1 x 40 kg

BW dips 4 x 10 supersetted with
BW neutral grip pullups 3 x 10, 1 x 7

TM for next cycle will be:
Squat : 65 kg
Benchpress: 60 kg
Deadlift: 105 kg
Overhead press: 40 kg

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Took more than week off, I wasn’t feeling well. Had a fever at first for a few days, then combination of cough and cold appeared…

I read 5/3/1/ forever book again after a while and decided to change template.

11.01.2024 Week 1 day 1
5 x 40 kg,
5 x 45 kg,
2 x 5, 1 x 12 => 52,5 kg

DB Goblet squat 2 x 20 => 21 kg
DB romanian deadlift 2 x 15 => 28 kg
Hanging leg raises 4 x 10

12.01.2024 Week 1 day 2
5 x 40 kg
5 x 45 kg
2 x 5, 1 x 17 => 50 kg

BW pullups 4 x 8
BW dips => 13, 11, 9, 9
Seated rows machine => 3 x 15
Triceps cable extensions 2 x 20

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5 x 67 kg, 5 x 77 kg,
2 x 5, 1 x 18 => 87 kg

DB romanian deadlift 3 x 10 => 35 kg
BW hyperextensions 1 x 60
Hanging leg raises 4 x 12


Overhead press
5 x 22,5 kg, 5 x 25 kg
2 x 5, 1 x 17 => 27,5 kg
supersetted with BW chinups 5 x 8

BW dips 5 x 10
DB rows 2 x 20 => 24 kg
Cable triceps extensions 2 x 20

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17.01.2023 week 2 day 1

Back squat
5 x 42,5 kg, 5 x 47,5 kg
2 x 5 , 1 x 10 => 55 kg

BB Zercher squats 3 x 10, 1 x 8 => 35 kg, 40 kg, 45 kg, 50 kg
DB deadlift 2 x 10, 1 x 6 => 35 kg
Hanging leg raises 4 x 12

18.01.2023 week 2 day 2

5 x 42,5 kg, 5 x 47,5 kg
2 x 5, 1 x 10 => 52,5 kg
Supersetted with BW pullups 5 x 5

BW dips 3 x 12
DB rows 1 x 20, 2 x 15 => 25 kg
Cable triceps extensions 2 x 20, 1 x 15
BW Hypertensions 2 x 25

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21.01.2024 week 2 day 3

Trap bar deadlift
5 x 72 kg, 5 x 82 kg
2 x 5 92 kg, 1 x 10 => 92 kg

BB squat 4 x 10 => 50 kg
DB deadlift 3x 10 => 35 kg
Hanging leg raises 4 x 10
Hyperextensions 1 x 50

Only get 10 reps with 92 kg, felt a weak during whole session. At least I chose correct TM for days like this

22.01.2024 week 2 day 4

Overhead press
5 x 25 kg, 5 x 27,5 kg
2 x 5, 1 x 18 => 30 kg
Supersetted with BW chinups 5 x 10

BW dips 2 x 12, 1 x 8, 1 x 10
Seated rows machine 4 x 10 => 25 kg, 35 kg, 40 kg, 25 kg
Cable triceps extension 1 x 30, 1 x 20
BW hyperextensions 1 x 50

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24.01.2024 week 3 day 1

Back squat
5 x 45 kg, 5 x 50 kg
2 x 5 , 1 x 14 => 57,5 kg

BB Zercher squats 3 x 10 => 40 kg, 45 kg, 50 kg
DB deadlift 3 x 8 => 36 kg
Hanging leg raises 4 x 12
Cable crunches 2 x 15

Very slow reps on squats. Speed was compromised in the middle part of the lift. Normally, I would finish lift and put the bar in the rack, but I wanted to do at least 10 reps.

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25.01.2024 week 3 day 2

5 x 45 kg, 5 x 50 kg,
2 x 5, 1 x 10 => 55 kg
supersetted with BW pullups 5 x 6

BW dips 4 x 10
DB rows 2 x 25 kg => 23 kg
Triceps extensions 2 x 30
BW hyperextensions 1 x 50

**27.01.2024 day 3 **
Trapbar deadlift
5 x 79 kg, 5 x 89 kg
2 x 5, 1 x 16 => 99 kg

Back squat 4 x 8 => 35 kg, 40 kg, 45 kg, 50 kg
3 x 8 with 55 kg
BB romanian deadlift 4 x 8 => 40 kg, 45 kg, 50 kg, 55 kg
Hanging leg raises 4 x 10
BW hyperextensions 1 x 60

28.01.2024 day 4
Overhead press
5 x 25 kg, 5 x 30 kg,
2 x 5 32,5 kg, 1 x 10 => 32,5 kg
Supersetted with BW chinups 5 x 8

BW dips => 15 x, 12 x, 9 x, 10 x
supersetted with neutral grip pullups 4 x 8
DB rows 3 x 8 => 28 kg
Triceps extensions 2 x 25

This week I will start second leader template and I will not add weight on squats. On the other lifts I will add +2.5 kg on TM. Squats are meh for me…I dont like them, they dont like me, but we are fighting each other

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5x5/3/1 2nd leader week 1

Back squat
5 x 40 kg, 5 x 45 kg
2 x 5, 1 x 18 with 52,5 kg

Zercher squats 4 x 10 => 45 kg supersetted
Hanging leg raises 4 x 10
DB romanian deadlift 2 x 10 => 28 kg
supersetted with BW hyperextensions 2 x 20

**02.01.2024 **
5 x 40 kg, 5 x 47,5 kg
2 x 5, 1 x 14 => 52,5 kg
supersetted with BW pullups 5 x 5

BW Dips 15, 12, 10, 8
DB rows 2 x 20 => 24 kg
Triceps extensions 2 x 25

Trap bar deadlift
5 x 72 kg, 5 x 82 kg
2 x 5, 1 x 18 => 92 kg

Back squat 3 x 10 => 40 kg, 45 kg, 50 kg
DB romanian deadlift 3 x 10 => 32 kg
Hanging leg raises 4 x 10 supersetted with BW hyperextensions 4 x 20

Overhead press
5 x 20 kg, 5 x 25 kg,
2 x 5 30 kg, 1 x 12 => 30 kg
supersetted with BW chinups 5 x 8

BW dips 5 x 10 supersetted
with neutral grip pullups 5 x 8
Seated machine rows 3 x 10, 1 x 6 => 25 kg, 35 kg, 45 kg, 50 kg
Triceps extensions 2 x 30

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Looks like you’re getting some good results on your lifts there

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I really enjoy this modified 5x5/3/1 template. Doing two sets for five reps and then last set (AMAP style) with same weight work like a charm.

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5x5/3/1 leader 2 week 2

5 x 45 kg, 5 x 50,
2 x 5, 1 x 15 => 55 kg

BB Zercher squats 3 x 8 => 50 kg
DB romanian deadlift 3 x 10 => 33 kg
DB lunges 2 x 10 => 11 kg
Hanging leg raises 4 x 10
Hyperextensions 1 x 60

5 x 45 kg, 5 x 50 kg,
2 x 5, 1 x 10 => 55 kg
supersetted with bw pullups 5 x 10

BW dips => 15, 12, 10, 10
DB rows 2 x 20 => 24 kg
Triceps extensions 2 x 30

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Trap bar deadlift
5 x 74,5 kg, 5 x 84,5 kg
2 x 5 => 94,5 kg
1 x 20 => 94,5 kg

BB back squat 3 x 10 => 45 kg, 50 kg, 52,5 kg
BB romanian deadlift 3 x 10 => 45 kg, 55 kg, 65 kg
Hanging leg raises 2 x 20, 1 x 15
Hyperextensions 1 x 70

Overhead press
5 x 25 kg, 5 x 30 kg
2 x 5 => 32,5 kg
1 x 12 => 32,5 kg
Supersetted with neutral grip pullups 5 x 10

BW dips => 20, 20, 15
Seated rows machine 3 x 10 => 45 kg
Cable triceps extensions 2 x 25

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5x5/3/1 cycle 2 week 3

Back squat
5 x 47,5 kg, 5 x 52,5 kg
2 x 5 => 57,5 kg
1 x 20 => 57,5 kg

BB zercher squat 4 x 10 => 50 kg
DB romanian deadlift 3 x 10 => 33 kg
Hyperextensions 1 x 70
Hanging leg raises 4 x 15

Note : first time I did 20 reps on squat

5 x 47,5 kg, 5 x 52,5 kg
2 x 5 => 57,5 kg
1 x 5 => 57,5 kg
Supersetted with BW pullups 5 x 8

BW dips => 1 x 20, 2 x 15
DB rows 1 x 20, 2 x 15 => 26 kg
Triceps hyperextensions => 2 x 25

Trap bar deadlift
5 x 79 kg, 5 x 89 kg
2 x 5 => 99 kg
1 x 15 => 99 kg

BB back squat 4 x 10 => 40 kg, 45 kg, 50 kg, 55 kg
DB romanian deadlift 3 x 10 => 30 kg
Hyperextensions 1 x 55
Hanging leg raises 3 x 20

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Overhead press
5 x 27,5 kg, 5 x 30 kg
2 x 5 => 35 kg
1 x 5 => 35 kg
Supersetted with BW chinups 5 x 8

BW dips 3 x 15
Seated rows on machine 3 x 15 with 35 kg
Triceps extensions 2 x 20

Deload week prior to anchor cycle

Back squat
5 x 55 kg, 5 x 65 kg, 5 x 70 kg, 3 x 75 kg

BB Zercher squats 2 x 10 => 45 kg
DB romanian deadlift 2 x 12 => 33 kg
Hanging leg raises 2 x 20, 1 x 10, 1 x 10

  • Finaly get more comfortable on squats after while. I am using wider stance than before, feets are more pointed to the sides. I think I have good mobility at shoulders and wrists, but I tried wider grip and find out, that if I push my elbows down during concentric phase of lift, I dont have tendency to failing forward. Also I dont use shoes during on squats, so I feel more stable with my feets screw into the ground.

22.02.2024 deload day 2

5 x 55 kg, 5 x 60 kg, 3 x 65 kg

BW pullups 1 x 20 (17), 1 x 10, 1 x 7
BW dips 1 x 20, 1 x 15, 1 x 10

I benched with no spotter, so I was not sure about 2 more reps with 65 kg.

I get 20 reps on pullups, but the last 3 reps were not ideal, couldn’t reach bar with my chin.

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24.02.2024 deload day 3

Trap bar deadlift
5 x 97 kg, 5 x 107 kg, 5 x 117 kg

Back squat 2 x 10 => 40 kg
BB romanian deadlift 2 x 10 => 40 kg
Hyperextensions 1 x 50
Hanging leg raises 2 x 20


Overhead press
5 x 30 kg, 5 x 35 kg, 5 x 37,5 kg, 2 x 40 kg

BW chinups=> 1 x 20, 1 x 12, 2 x 10
BW dips => 1 x 23, 1 x 17, 1 x 15

Next week starting with 5x5/3/1 anchor cycle. Yesterday I felt some pain in my lower back, probably I pulled with slighty twisted back…after get reps on hyperextensions, I felt only slighty soreness. I have to devote some time on warm up, I only did a few sets of this, then few set of this last time and It was not enough…

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5x5/3/1 anchor week 1

TM for this cycle will be:
67,5 kg for Squat
62,5 kg for Benchpress
110 kg for trap bar deadlift
40 kg for Overhead press

5 x 50 kg, 5 x 55 kg,
5 x 3 => 60 kg

DB goblet squat 2 x 15 => 31 kg
DB romanian deadlift 2 x 15 => 31 kg
Hyperextensions 1 x 50
Hanging leg raises 2 x 20


5 x 47,5 kg, 5 x 52,5 kg
5 x 3 => 57,5 kg
Supersetted with BW pullups 8 x 8

BW dips 3 x 15
DB rows 3 x 8 => 30 kg
Seated machine rows 3 x 10 => 35 kg
Triceps extensions 2 x 20

Trap bar deadlift
5 x 79 kg, 5 x 89 kg
5 x 3 => 99 kg

Back squat 3 x 10 => 40 kg
DB romanian deadlift 3 x 10 => 35 kg
Hanging leg raises 1 x 50
Hanging leg raises 2 x 20

Overhead press
5 x 25 kg, 5 x 30 kg
5 x 3 => 37,5 kg supersetted with BW chinups 8 x 8

BW dips 2 x 20
Seated machine rows 3 x 10 => 25 kg, 35 kg, 45 kg
Triceps pushdowns 2 x 25

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06.03.2024 5x5/3/1 anchor week 2

Back squat
5 x 47,5 kg, 5 x 50, 5 x 5 => 55 kg

DB Goblet squat 2 x 15 => 33 kg
DB romanian deadlift 2 x 12 => 33 kg
Hyperextensions 1 x 40
Hanging leg raises 2 x 25


5 x 45 kg, 5 x 50 kg 5 x 5 => 52,5 kg
Supersetted with BW pullups 7 x 8

BW dips 1 x 20, 2 x 15
DB rows 1 x 35, 1 x 25 => 21 kg
Triceps pushdowns 2 x 20

Since I changed job in february, I started to move more. Every day from monday to friday I am walking to the work. At previous work I had company car and I used this car to move not only to my clients, but even from home to work and vice versa. I am living in small town (population estimated 45k), so distance between my home and work is only 3,5 km and it takes about 30 - 38 minutes.

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