Masteron Add-in - E2 Worry?

Hey all,

I just added in Masteron E 200/week with my test-e 400/week. I am curious about the E2 suppression or if it is something to be concerned about from Mast at 200 a week. I’ve never used this so I am curious how soon to feel the effects (first shot was yesterday). Monday-mornings Thursday-nights.

Ultimately, I’m concerned about the E2 obviously. I will have labs done in a month. Anyone give me some insight what to expect or testimonials? I’ve ran some var which I liked in the past. I’ve ramped up to 80 mg which was INTENSE on the lower back. I couldn’t stand up during work one day :rofl:. Safe to say I dropped it down.

Looking to see what is a safe length to run Mast - I figured 10-12 weeks. But another forum & research said no longer than a month? I also might bump it up to 300-400/ week depending on how I’m feeling/labs.

Thanks in advance!

For some masteron lower estrogen. For me it does not.
If your not already lean there is really no reason to run it. It’s a muscle hardener which is really unneeded unless you are prepping for a show or a photo shoot. Outside of that it could be used with deca to add more DHT but that’s really it.
What are your goals for this cycle? You’d be better served running compounds that support what you are trying to do.

I’ve run it once and dropped it. Not very experienced with PEDs in general so take my comment with a grain of salt.

I felt great on it. Elevated mood, more assertive than normal et cetera. I don’t know that it dropped estrogen but it did make my hair shed aggressively and a few weeks in I was having a hard time peeing so I dropped it.

Hair stopped shedding, I can pee normally again and I’m fine taking a 1/4 tab of arimidex when my nipples tingle.

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