Master the Bodyweight Skull Crusher

by Tanner Shuck

Make your triceps strong as hell. No weights required.

Bodyweight Skull Crusher

Skull crushers have long been a favorite triceps builder. Barbell or dumbbell versions are the most popular, but have you ever tried using your own bodyweight?

This variation crushes your triceps and can be modified for most ability levels by simply adjusting the height. Bend only at the elbows. Try your best to keep your body as straight as possible and avoid bending at the hips. Easier said than done, I promise you.

Make sure to place your hands high FIRST. Gradually increase the difficulty by working your way down as you get stronger. For maximal triceps activation, train the full range of motion and aim to lower your head below your hands each rep.

Make It Harder

Once you reach failure with perfect form, immediately do close-grip push-ups with your elbows close to the body.
