Magick's Training Log v2

5x8 EMOM double KB front squat with 24kg
Started to get pretty tiring on set 4.
5x10 every 30 second push-up
5x4 EMOM pull-up

I’m feeling tired. No weighted carries today.

Rite of passage week 10(ish) light day
5 ladders of 1,2 double KB clean and press away with 24kg KBs and pull-ups.

10 every 45 second rounds of snatches with 24kg

The callouses on my hands are turning into blisters. I taped over the most painful one with some masking tape I have at home and it worked. I’ll probably be doing this for the time being to let the blister heal.

5 rounds of-
2 pull-up/5 push-up/7 squats.
6 deep breathes. Took ~3:06.

5x13 EMOM push-up
5x4 EMOM pull-up
5x8 EMOM lunges
10 rounds of every 45 second 100lb sandbag bearhug carry.
Did this as I did work, so no accumulated fatigue. Just getting movement in. Everything felt good. Getting the sandbag up to position felt easy; no doubt from all those KB stuff.

Rite of passage week 10(ish) med day
5 ladders of 1,2,3 KB clean and press away with 24kg KB and pull-ups
Took ~50 second rests between sets. Felt ok; a lot easier with press aways vs clean and press.

My left elbow is feeling a little off/painful.

10 EMOM 18 one armed KB swing with 24kg.

5 rounds of-
6/7/8/9/10 push-up
10 squat

5x10 every 20 second push-up
Got to 5 reps on the last set when the timer rang. I barely finished the fourth set when the timer rang for the fifth set, so I’m not surprised. Not ready to attempt this yet.

5x6 every 45 second lunges
5x3 every 45 second pull-ups
These felt felt.

10 rounds of 5 push-ups and 10 squats
Didn’t do them straight; stopped here and there at times.

Rite of passage week 11(ish) light day

5 ladders of 1,2 KB clean and press away with 24kg KBs and pull-ups.
10 every 45 second rounds of snatches with 24kg

I had a wonderful long weekend with my wife and indulged in all sorts of food and not enough sleep. I went with the light day bc I didn’t want to endure the challenge of the heavy day today.

Felt ok overall. Feel much more powerful with snatches, but my limp wrist remains.

5 rounds of 5 push-ups and10 squats with 10lb in my backpack.
Didn’t time it and no rest in between rounds. Felt fine.

5x9 EMOM double KB front squat with 24kg
Started to get pretty tiring on set 4.

5x13 EMOM push-up
5x1 EMOM pull-up with 20lb in the backpack.

Oof. Today felt rough.

Rite of passage week 11(ish) heavy day
5 ladders of 1,2,3,4 KB clean and press with 24kg KB and pull-ups.
Took two min rest between clusters. This removed the need for rest in the fourth and fifth cluster but the pull-ups began to feel awfully hard on the third set, so I did bent-knee inverted rows for the fourth/cluster cluster’s reps of 4s.

This felt quite tough. The 4s keep beating me up. I’ve been feeling very sleepy and sore the last couple of days, so I think that def. has something to do with it as well.

10 40 sec on/20 sec off KB swings with 24kg.
Did sets of 22s. This felt really tough; began needing mini-rests from set 6 onwards.

5 rounds of-
6 push-up
10 squat
No rest in between sets.

5/5/5/3/3 EMOM pull-ups
5x13 EMOM push-ups
5x9 EMOM lunges
10 every 30 second 50lb sandbag carry

Just going through the motions. I think I’m getting beat up a little with the ROP heavy days. It def. doesn’t help that I’m not sleeping as much these days, but I’ve definitely been feeling more worn-down since I started clusters of 1/2/3/4. I’m going to do 1/2/3 next week and see if I feel better. I can’t afford to feel run-down right now.

Rite of passage week 10(ish) med(sorta) day
5 ladders of 1,2 KB clean and press with 24kg KB and pull-ups
I’m resetting to 1,2,3 on heavy days, so med days are back to 1,2. Felt a bit tired.

Humane burpee pyramid
5 to 1, then 1 to 5. Took ~7:57 or so.
Doing this without any timed rest feels like a pretty good way to get work in. Good conditioning work.

5x9 EMOM double KB front squat with 24kg
Last set felt a bit tiring. I blasted through set 1-4 though, so much better than last time.

5x3 EMOM pull-up with 10lb in backpack.
5x10 EMOM push-up with 10lb in backpack.
2 rounds of .25 mile KB walks with 24kg.
Took 3 min rest between rounds. Did 4:44/4:19

Did all of these with comfortable amounts of rest in between.

10 rounds of 5 push-ups and burpees.
No rest between rounds. Began to get fatiguing after round 6 but nothing particularly difficult.

Rite of passage week 12(ish) heavy day
3 ladders of 1,2,3 KB clean and press with 28kg KB and pull-ups
Took 2 min rests between ladders. Needed a bit of untimed rest between the last 3s.

Now this was a proper strength workout. Def. needed those 2 min rests and I felt properly fatigued by the end. Left side slowed down to ‘grindy’ speeds on the 3s, but they never felt genuinely difficult.

250 KB swings in 10 min
This came pretty close to kicking my ass. Conditioning felt ‘ok’. I kept stopping because my forearm began to burn, but really that probably happened because my conditioning couldn’t keep up.

5 rounds of-
2 pull-up/5 push-up/7 squats.
4 deep breathes. Took ~2:59
Last time I did this I took 6 deep breathes with a time of ~3:06.
I’m guessing difference in the breathes themselves.

5x10 EMOM double KB front squat with 24kg
Wow, huge increase in fatigue. Began to tire out by set 3 and on set 5 legit began feeling like I was doing one of those heavy moderate rep back squats that would leave me wiped out.

It’s been 10 minutes since I did these and my legs and entire body are still tired.

5x14 EMOM push-up
5/5/5/4/4/ EMOM pull-up

Rite of passage week 12(ish) easy day
3 ladders of 1 KB clean and press with 28kg and pull-ups
No timed rest between anything. The 28kg felt a bit tough to press but overall no issues.

10x7 EMOM KB snatch with 24kg.
Shoulders felt much stronger on these. I assume it’s because I just did 28kg presses.

5 EMOM of-
3 pull-up/6 push-ups/9 squats
Felt ok.

5x3 every 30 second pull-up
5x10 every 30 second push-up
Some lunges

Rite of passage week 12(ish) medium day
3 ladders of 1,2 KB clean and press with 28kg and pull-ups
Took 2 min rests between sets. Felt a bit heavy.

10x12 EMOM one armed KB swing with 28kg
Felt a bit heavy.

5 EMOM of-
3 pull-up/6 push-ups/9 squats
Felt easy.

Did get to work out the last two days because of crazy crazy schedules

Rite of passage week 13(ish) heavy day
4 ladders of 1,2,3 KB clean and press with 28kg KB and pull-ups
Took 2 min rests between ladders. Needed a bit of untimed rest between 3s on most of these.

This probably felt harder than last week. I put some leg drive into most of the 2s and 3s.

Humane burpee pyramid with 28kg
5 to 1, then 1 to 5. Finished just a couple seconds after 10 minutes.

This felt pretty darned tough.

5x15 EMOM push-up
Felt a bit rough on set 4 and 5. A bit unexpected, given how 5x14 last week felt ok.

EMOM Recon Ron pull-up program week 1
Trying this once again. I probably won’t be doing it 6x a week as the program actually dictates, I’m instead going to follow the rep scheme and up go up whenever I feel great with the current rep scheme.

1x20 double KB front squat with 24kg
Rep 1-9 felt easy. 10-13 felt ok. 14-15 felt a bit rough, and then I powered through the remainder and finished the last rep with pretty bad form- the bigger KB threatened to fall out of the rack position.

10 EMOM rounds of farmer’s carry with 24kgs.
Did 3 laps a round. Became a bit tiring at the end.

Rite of passage week 13(ish) easy day
3 ladders of 1 KB clean and press with 28kg and pull-ups with 10lb in backpack
1 min rest between ladders. Felt ok. I think the presses felt a bit better than last week.

10x8 EMOM KB snatch with 24kg.
Def. feel much stronger on these now. Began to get winded after round 6.

5 EMOM of-
3 pull-up/6 push-ups/9 squats
Felt good.

EMOM Recon Ron pull-up program week 1
5x12 every 45 sec push-up
Felt ok.

5x5 EMOM lunges with 24kg KB.
Felt it in my glutes.

Rite of passage week 13(ish) medium day
3 ladders of 1,2 KB clean and press with 28kg and pull-ups
Took 90 second rests between sets. Felt a bit lighter.

10x13 EMOM one armed KB swing with 28kg
Felt a lot better than last week.

5 EMOM of-
4 pull-up/6 push-ups/9 squats
Felt easy.

The pull-ups began to feel a bit hard near the end. The rest felt fine.