Magick's Training Log v2

27 goblet squats with 24kg KB
5x10 EMOM push-up
13 every 45 second rounds of farmer’s carry with 24kg and 20kg

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Rite of passage week 7(ish) light day
5 ladders of 1 KB clean and press with 24kg KB and pull-ups.
Did this straight through without any rest. I’m def. better at 24kg compared to last week.

10 EMOM rounds of snatches with 16kg-
Did 14 reps and alternated sides each round. Started to get pretty tiring from set 7- needed to take short rests after finishing 8-10 reps.

Also I’m going to stop with the dice thing. Instead I’m going to do 10-12 EMOM and alternate the rep scheme.

27 goblet squat with 24kg KB.
5x10 EMOM push-up
Push-ups felt tougher today, probably because I did 140 snatches?

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2x14 goblet squat with 32kg KB.
I’m going to mix this in at least 1-2x a week. I’m currently more interested in the TUT for my biceps with the goblet squat vs max load, so no double KB front squat for a while.

5x10 EMOM push-up
5x3 EMOM pull-up
13 every 45 second rounds of 50lb sandbag carry.

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Rite of passage week 7(ish) med day
5 ladders of 1, 2 KB clean and press with 24kg KB and pull-ups.
I did this with 20 second or so rest between clusters. I think the weight itself is fine but I’m pushing too much right now?

10 EMOM one armed KB swing with 24kg.

28 goblet squat with 24kg KB.
5x10 EMOM push-up

1x15, 1x14 goblet squat with 32kg.
First set felt fine. Set second felt pretty tough on the upper body.
5x10 EMOM push-up
5x3 EMOM pull-up
KB mile with 16kg KB- Took ~16:37
I moved at a quicker pace in the first half mile, then I tired out.

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30 goblet squat with 24kg KB.
5x10 EMOM push-up.

Nice and simple.

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Rite of passage week 7(ish) heavy day
4 ladders of 1,2,3 KB clean and press with 24kg KB and pull-ups.
Took 1 min rest between clusters. That felt enough to recover from the cleans but just barely. The pull-ups aren’t getting any easier! Argh! I’m now def. weaker on these than pre illness.

10 40 sec on/20 sec off KB swings with 32kg
Did 20 reps each set. Needed tiny rests between on set 5 onward. This felt pretty tough.

31 goblet squats with 24kg KB.
5x10 EMOM push-up

5x10 is feeling pretty good now even under fatigue.


32 goblet squats with 24kg KB.
Def. a lot easier when I’m not fatigued.

5x11 EMOM push-ups
5x2 EMOM pull-ups with 10lb in backpack
I really don’t want to restart Recon Ron YET AGAIN. So I’m going to try going heavy with pull-ups and see if it helps. This felt easy.

10 every 30 second rounds of farmer’s carry with 24kg and 20kg
This def. feels more difficult due to less rest.

5 EMOM down and up the stairs with 50lb sandbag.
In preparation for the horrors of carrying the baby up and down the stairs.

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Rite of passage week 8(ish) light day
5 ladders of 1 KB clean and press with 24kg KB and pull-ups.
Did this straight through without any rest. Felt pretty good, started to feel a bit fatigued after the fifth set.

10 EMOM rounds of snatches with 24kg-
Did 5 reps and alternated sides each round. Felt fine, like a normal strength movement. My shoulders felt a bit fatigued and my wrist ached a bit, probably due to not catching the bell correctly most of the time. I need to get more power from my lower body.

33 goblet squat with 24kg KB.
Upper body def. started to break down in form by the time I got to 30 reps.
5x11 EMOM push-up.

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34 goblet squat with 24kg KB.
5x11 EMOM push-up.
3/2/2/2/3 EMOM pull-ups with 10lb in backpack
13 every 30 second rounds of 50lb sandbag carry.

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Rite of passage week 7(ish) med day
5 ladders of 1, 2 KB clean and press with 24kg KB and pull-ups.
I did this with 20 second or so rest between clusters. Felt better than the week before.

12 EMOM one armed KB swing with 24kg.

35 goblet squat with 24kg KB.
5x10 every 45 second push-up.
Got a bit fatigued on the last two sets.

36 goblet squat with 24kg KB.
Oof, I’m getting some burning in the inside of my quads and my lower back is getting fatigued.
5x7 EMOM pushup with 10lb in backpack.
3/2/2/2/3 EMOM pull-ups with 10lb in backpack

10 mins of climbing up and down the stairs with the 50lb sandbag bearhug carry.

Got 17 sets in total. This feels really tough.

I’m still hungry. I’m visibly losing fat. My top strength is recovering. My strength endurance (except pull-up) is recovering. I’m no longer feeling as fatigued as last week (though this is likely because I had a horribly stressful last week)

Everything is going in the right direction. Hooray.

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Rite of passage week 8(ish) heavy day
5 ladders of 1,2,3 KB clean and press with 24kg KB and pull-ups.
Took 1 min rest between clusters for set 1-4. Took 90 second or so for the last one. Felt good tough.

10 40 sec on/20 sec off KB swings with 32kg
Did 20 reps each set. Needed tiny rests between on set 7 onward. Felt better than last week.

5x6 EMOM double KB front squat with 24kg-
Felt easy.
5x11 EMOM push-ups
1x7, 4x3 EMOM pull-ups
I weighed myself at my parents house on Superbowl day and saw an astonishing 196lb. No wonder pull-ups feel hard. Yes, I did eat pizza that day but previously I would be in the mid 180s after a large day of carbs. Married life and daily carbs is doing a number on my weight.

All of these felt fine. I think the weighted pull-ups are helping.

7 every 75 rounds of farmer’s carry with 24kg and 20kg.
I added an extra lap to my regular two laps. Felt good.

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Rite of passage week 8(ish) light day
5 ladders of 1 double KB clean and press with 24kg KB and pull-ups.
I wanted to reduce the overall time spent, up the difficulty a bit, and also check my status with double 24s. Felt easy.

I find it pretty cool that I can double clean and press 24s without warm-up. Def. feel stronger than when I did Easy Strength.

10 EMOM rounds of snatches with 24kg-
Did 6 reps and alternated each round. Felt fine. No noticeable fatigue or aching of the shoulders.

5 rounds of-
2 pull-up/5 push-up/7 squats.
Took ~4:45 with 10 deep breathes in between rounds. Felt easy.

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Got some minor case of food poisoning during Valentines dinner, so I didn’t work out yesterday and didn’t eat much. Feeling a lot better today.

Rite of passage week 8(ish) med day
5 ladders of 1, 2 KB clean and press with 24kg KB and pull-ups.
No timed rest between sets. Felt a bit weak with the presses over overall everything else felt ok.

10 EMOM 14 one armed KB swing with 24kg.

5x9 every 45 second push-up
20 goblet squat with 24kg KB.

2x10, 3x6 EMOM double KB front squat with 24kg
The 2nd set felt a bit more difficult than I wanted.
5x8 EMOM push-ups with 10lb in backpack.
Felt easy.
3/3/2/3/3 EMOM pull-ups with 10lb in backpack.
Surprisingly felt easy as well.
KB quarter mile with 24kg KB. Took ~4:27
I didn’t have much time, so I did this.

Simple stuff today.
5x5 EMOM reverse lunge
5x10 EMOM push-up
3/3/3/3/4 EMOM pull-up
50 50lb sandbag bearhug squat.
The sandbag squats got me sweating pretty good, but they def. feel a lot easier compared to goblet squats. My legs and lower back got fatigued, but my upper body feels fine because the load can’t get too in front of me.

Stayed out way longer than I expected yesterday, so I unfortunately didn’t get to do anything.

5x7 EMOM double KB front squat with 24kg
A bit tougher than I expected.
5x12 EMOM push-up
and now I can tell that I’m not 100% today- this felt a bit tough.
5x3 EMOM pull-up.
Did this with a bit of pause at top and bottom. Last rep felt a bit tough.
5 every 90 second farmer’s carry with 24kgs.
Did 4 laps a round. Became a bit fatiguing in the end.

Rite of passage week 9(ish) light day
5 ladders of double KB clean and press away with 24kg KBs and pull-ups
Alternated between 2s and 1s because I think going straight to 5x2 on easy day with this weight might be too much right now. Did press aways on the 2s because Pavel says that you can do so if you’d like. I didn’t take any timed rest between sets. Felt fine and strong.

10 EMOM rounds of snatches with 24kg-
Did 6 reps and alternated each round. Felt fine. No noticeable fatigue or aching of the shoulders. Wrist went a bit odd at times.

5 rounds of-
2 pull-up/5 push-up/7 squats.
Didn’t bother to time it today. I thought I took 12 deep breathes last week and so took 10 today. Turns out I took 10 last week too. Oh well. Felt easy.

Quite a day today, so did this just now.

5x7 EMOM reverse lunge
5x10 every 30 second push-up
5x3 every 45 second pull-up

Rite of passage week 9(ish) med day
5 alternate ladders between 1,2,3 and 1,2 KB clean and press with 24kg KB and pull-ups.
Pull-ups felt tough today. I needed a rest for the 3rd rep on ladders 1 and 3. But body felt pretty darned good by the 5th ladder- the cleans and press felt a lot easier and I managed all 3 reps on the pull-ups. I’m guessing my body took some time to wake up today.

Forgot to mention- I took 40 second or so timed rest between sets too, so a bit less than I took for the 5x3 I did last week.

10 EMOM 16 one armed KB swing with 24kg.

5 rounds of-
2 pull-up/5 push-up/7 squats.
Took ~3:45 with 8 deep breathes between rounds. Upper body felt a bit fatigued.

5x7 EMOM double KB front squat with 24kg
Easier than on Tues.
5x6 EMOM push-up with 20lb in backpack.
5x3 (I think?) EMOM pull-up with 10lb in backpack.

5x12 EMOM push-up
5x7 EMOM lunges

Rite of passage week 10(ish) heavy day
5 ladders of 1,2,3,4 KB clean and press with 24kg KB and pull-ups.
Took 90 rest between clusters. Needed extra untimed rest on the fourth and fifth cluster. These felt tough.

10 40 sec on/20 sec off KB swings with 24kg
Needed a bit of rest on the last set. This felt tough too.

5 rounds of-
6 push-up
10 squat
No rest in between sets. Push-ups felt fine, squats burned my legs a bit.