MAG-10- Is It Still Available?

Does anyone know if MAG-10 is available anywhere still?

After being flamed for looking for alternatives to steroids, I’ve decided to try something straight from T-Nation.

Problem is, I heard they discontinued it. Does anyone know where else I can find it?

I came across this website, not sure if it’s genuine or not though.

Dude, you are amusing. Really, I laugh each time you post something. MAG-10? Send me your address along with 200 bucks, and i’ll send ya about 3 empty bottles. MAG-10 has been gone for 2 fuckin’ years! I am at a loss for words, and my belly hurts from laughin’!

Dude, I clicked on the link provided, and if you try to purchase it, all you get is a fee for postage and handling. PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE, DO SOME FRIGGIN" RESEARCH, GO TO THE GYM, AND STAY OFF THE NET! You are getting rediculous with these posts…

Sweet! It’s only $4!!!

If you keep going with the checkout process- it actually shows up like you can buy it. Even if you could buy it, $170 for one bottle of the liquid is crazy.

[quote]Fonebone wrote:
Sweet! It’s only $4!!![/quote]

$170??? Shit send me 10 bottles NOW! Fuck this d-bol and test E and Deca in my drawer, this stuff is crap compared to MAG-10, especially for that low,low price. And we all know MAG-10 is WAY safer than the Primobolan I just finished! YIPPPEEEE! I’m adding that site to my “favorites!”

[quote]thetruth24 wrote:
Does anyone know if MAG-10 is available anywhere still?

After being flamed for looking for alternatives to steroids, I’ve decided to try something straight from T-Nation.[/quote]

Yeah, this is still the best place to find it. Plenty of people around here still have that great stuff, and every once in awhile, someone makes it available.

[quote]chillain wrote:
thetruth24 wrote:
Does anyone know if MAG-10 is available anywhere still?

After being flamed for looking for alternatives to steroids, I’ve decided to try something straight from T-Nation.

Yeah, this is still the best place to find it. Plenty of people around here still have that great stuff, and every once in awhile, someone makes it available.

You know how much juice I can get for $170.00? Go ahead and waste your hard earned cash…

Yo truth, just so ya know, if you do spend $170.00 for MAG-10, you must know it is illegal to purchase, possess, or sell this product in the US. It is the same as having Anadrol. So whatever you do, keep this in mind. A side effect of MAG-10 is jail time! Plus, since Biotest quit manufacturing the stuff before the ban went into effect, it’s probably old as hell. Bro, I’m just tryin’ to help ya, not just hammering you for trying to find something “legal” to keep from admitting to steroid use. This is classified as a steroid, so you are still doing steroids, whether it’s MAG-10 or Dianabol. Are you understanding all of this?

Yeah I got you guys. Sorry for the annoyance.

[quote]shamus wrote:
Bro, I’m just tryin’ to help ya, not just hammering you for trying to find something “legal” to keep from admitting to steroid use. This is classified as a steroid, so you are still doing steroids, whether it’s MAG-10 or Dianabol. Are you understanding all of this?[/quote]


Just for the sake of accuracy (and since Bill Roberts explained it only three weeks ago), MAG-10 is actually a stack of two different steroids. Or maybe even three, if you got your hands on that last version.

Just make sure you keep that stuff in your freezer and not in your car’s glove box. :wink:

[quote]chillain wrote:
shamus wrote:
Bro, I’m just tryin’ to help ya, not just hammering you for trying to find something “legal” to keep from admitting to steroid use. This is classified as a steroid, so you are still doing steroids, whether it’s MAG-10 or Dianabol. Are you understanding all of this?


Just for the sake of accuracy (and since Bill Roberts explained it only three weeks ago), MAG-10 is actually a stack of two different steroids. Or maybe even three, if you got your hands on that last version.

Just make sure you keep that stuff in your freezer and not in your car’s glove box. :wink:


I hear ya dude, but no matter what, if ya order it through the mail, it’s the same as ordering Deca. It’s on the banned substance list, and I loved the product, but in our great country, it is illegal to possess, and also to injest.

Also, if ya look at a company that MAY have stocked up on it, they more than likely stored it in a warehouse and the product has PROBABLY degraded. If your gonna take a chance on ordering a banned substance, at least order some potent shit! I took MAG-10, and it is nowhere near as "potent’ as some legit Test Enanthate.


[quote]thetruth24 wrote:
Does anyone know if MAG-10 is available anywhere still?

After being flamed for looking for alternatives to steroids, I’ve decided to try something straight from T-Nation.

Problem is, I heard they discontinued it. Does anyone know where else I can find it?

I came across this website, not sure if it’s genuine or not though.[/quote]

if you really want it that bad hit me up I will never use it legacy 84 caps each i believe for more then afair price

Truth, before you buy from YOK look at some of his posts, they really are elementary and unsensible. I think he is in Iraq, in the Army, so him possessing MAG-10 is against the UCMJ. Also, if he sends it to you, you, being the receiver, are in violation of all steroid possession laws, and think about a bottle of Mag10 being exposed to the Iraqi desert for any length of time.

Of course he wants to sell it to you. As I said in a previous post, I’m actually trying to help you make informed decisions. I was a beginner to steroids about 17 years ago, at about your age. If you are dead set on buying this product, ask YOK what the expiration date is, how has it been stored, what elements has it been exposed to, and why is he willing to give it to you for a “fair” price.

I always look at the guys’ posts, and if they make sense, I can assume they know what they are talking about. His past posts are filled with spelling errors, generalizations, and just plain ol’ bullshit. And I’m not even being an asshole because I was Marine and he is Army (Ain’t Ready for Marines Yet). But I’m tryin’ to re-enforce the fact that it is positively illegal just as any “steroid”.

I hope you make a good decision, and I hope you train hard and keep studying and researching so you don’t buy from some illiterate spell-check challenged internet dude. And as Bill Roberts said in a column, MAG-10 was a steroid, if not 2 or 3 blended together. If this guys’ stuff is so good, why is he “willing” to let you have it for a good price.

If he’s Army, he could sell it to a guy 2 beds (racks) over without the aggravation of waiting on your cash, sending it out, and risk sending a controlled substance through the US postal service.

Listen, and I have no fear this guy will get pissed at me, because a scam is a scam. If it’s the old capsules, he could empty them out and re-fill them with shit. If it’s the oil, he could replace it with vegetable oil. But because of the label, you are in jeopardy of legal actions because of the label attached.

Ofrst yes i really dont care about spelling never really cared enough to go back can correct my posts Yes i am in iraq right now no did not take them with me they are sitting my freezer right now state side I was give 6 over year ago if some one wanted them my roomate would ship them off no big deal No I would not wast my time in refilling them with crap No i would not take the time to rip someone off for a few hunderd dollers not that kind of a preson

Oh the mariens would not take i am able to spell my name

and no i am not upset for wht you said you are looking out for this kid who i am sure will get riped off sooner or later if he is not careful

You can’t spell Marines in your post, so I don’t think you could spell your own name either. The Marines are the elite, they require one to have character, discipline, and integrity.

The Army requires one can tie his own shoes. It’s about quality with the Corps., not quantity as it is in the Army. Be all you can be there, soldier, and stay in the Army, because with grammatical errors like that, no employer would consider you in the civilian world, except MAYBE Burger King. Let me guess, you are either Motor T, or a cook. Tell me differently.

You should invest in the best steroid for 18 year olds like yourself.
Good ol food.
I cant believe you continue to research this shit and ignore the fact that you can make HUGE gains at your age with plain food.