Hello. I decided to give it a go and sign up here, to ask some advices maybe. Basically I am turning 18 at the end of this year. My problem is, I have had gradually worsening feeling over the last one or two years. It escalated to a point where I have terrible brainfog and mental functioning is poor. NOTHING like it used to be. I used to be very sharp and clever, outgoing etc. liked by everyone.
I got also depression and anxiety, sweating, sleeping problems, pretty weak and maybe a little high pitched voice. I don’t got libido pretty much at all, and rarely any morning wood. Obiviously you are supposed to have a lot of testosterone in your system during puberty. I look a little bit younger than others in my age also, but thats not anything to worry about.
It has been hard for me to believe that this is all becouse of depression. It just came out of nowhere and gradually worsened during the year. Had to stop studying because I couldn’t concentrate and had terrible anxiety.
Thyroid hormones checked several times, all good. Then I asked doctor if it would be possible to check my testosterone levels. He didn’t seem to take my concerns seriously, but got me the blood test scheduled. It was only total testosterone taken. It was 11 nmo/l, which is about 320 ng/dl. Doc said all good.
Decided to go to an urologist and ask about his opinion. Checked my testicles and then sent me to take some more blood tests. I believe i got LH, FSH, SHBG and prolactin tested. I am not an expert with these. Doc called today and said all seemed good, no need for any further investigations. I haven’t got the test results still, going to have them in the next couple of days.
Well I don’t really know what I should do. My overall feeling is just horrible. Its like im just alive, nothing more. Everyday I wake up and go to sleep. That’s it. It really pisses me off, because its like I am completely the opposite like I used to be.
I THINK, I am not sure but the causes of low T is probably because the stress I’ve been having over myself for the past year, (don’t know if it just lowered it more from already lowish) and binge drinking alcohol when I was 15-16. I feel really hopeless, tried going to gym like 5 months from last autumn to winter. My feelings stayed. Have been trying to get good sleep but I just can’t. I constantly wake up or just sweat in my bed with my stress.
Tried meditating, no help with reducing stress. Been taking magnesium, zinc and multivitamin, plus St Johns Wort to my “depression”. Don’t know if my levels would be even more lower if I hadn’t took all these supplements.
Basically I am just asking, would it be possible that all this is really caused my Low testosterone levels or am I just paranoid? Is my concerns valid? I have not developed deep voice like my other family members have.
I am afraid if these levels stay this way, my condition is going to worsen. Should I book another appointment to another doctor or just try to maintain somehow with these feelings and find some other reasons from out of nowhere?
Thank you.
PS: Sorry if the text is hard to read or understand, I don’t know, my brain really doesn’t function like it should be.