Just got my results today from the dr:
Free test is 260 (normal range is 250-1100 and the “other” test is 206 (normal range is 300-1000)
Dr will not do anything about it.
I am 30 years old, I workout a lot, diet is on track, but I find myself extremely tired all the time, sometimes I get overwhelming emotions, and sometimes I am not “in the mood.”
start taking a lot of zinc and magnesium 3/day if you arnt already doing so.
keep your workouts short and if you have lots of stress manage that first.
by keeping your workouts shorter and controlling stress, testosterone may increase a bit.
Did you also have estrodiol done by your doctor? eating more veggies like broccoli, spinach, brussel sprouts, cauliflower etc… and taking fiber in the morning and at night can help lower excess xeno-estrogens and also help free up a bit of testosterone.
also, how much sleep do you get, and how would you describe the quality?
A SERM restart, perhaps some HCG might work for you. See if your boys are still able to naturally produce. The stickies will help you further, as will some of the much more educated members. I wish you the best of luck.
I too am 30 years old, have very low T, and feel exhausted 24/7. Working out sucks, but it’s still something I do.
Low T is not a diagnosis. I wouldn’t do anything until you have a proper diagnosis of either primary or secondary hypogonadism and that means a lot more lab work.
start taking a lot of zinc and magnesium 3/day if you arnt already doing so.
keep your workouts short and if you have lots of stress manage that first.
by keeping your workouts shorter and controlling stress, testosterone may increase a bit.
Did you also have estrodiol done by your doctor? eating more veggies like broccoli, spinach, brussel sprouts, cauliflower etc… and taking fiber in the morning and at night can help lower excess xeno-estrogens and also help free up a bit of testosterone.
also, how much sleep do you get, and how would you describe the quality?[/quote]
Stress levels are fine. Sleep has got a lot better recently. I do have sleep Anpea, I have tried multiple machines and multiple masks, but they have never EVER helps me feel refreshed. I get on average 7 hours of sleep a night