You have to prepare yourself that testosterone may not be the problem, there are a dozen other diseases that can cause your symptoms. Your labs aren’t typical of someone with secondary hypogonadism, usually LH is much lower.
If anything these labs show good testosterone production given the amount of LH your pituitary is secreting and that the testicles are responsive.
Being locked in a room with you wasn’t perverted. You brought it there, not me. I meant seeing if you’d say these things while I was standing a foot away from you, which you wouldn’t. You’re the one who brought in the gay innuendo. I’d LOVE to have the chance to be locked in a room with you… Just not for the reasons your homophobic mind came up with.
And if thyroid ‘numbers look good’? Does that mean it isn’t a thyroid? Know how many men I’ve seem with ‘good’ thyroid numbers, they did a trial of thyroid and they improved?
Perhaps if you don’t misquote people and take a third of the sentence they wrote to respond to, you wouldn’t get such a response. A bully doesn’t let someone else have opinions.
I’m not giving some lunatic on the Internet my personal details!
It’s only you arguing, and you are arguing with something I didn’t even say.
Don’t ever tell anyone their numbers look good. In any part of any sentence or paragraph. It means you are ignorant on the subject. Numbers do not dictate how someone feels.
I didn’t have TRT for 5 years because of doctors telling me that. They were wrong. 5 years spent in misery.
The number of people who come in our group, miserable as all hell, because their docs said their numbers are good so it can’t be that. I swear I could drive to each one of those clinics and wring their necks for making so many men feel that way.
The good doctors use blood tests with symptoms. And normal bloods doesnt mean great bloods
If a guy had 1000 in his 20s of course with 600 he will be deficient and he will have symptoms. It is just a possibility but very real one