I have always been very active ever since I was a child, played basketball and many sports including a full ride scholarship for basketball. About 3 years ago I took working out seriously and started to see amazing gains. I had a great appetite, nothing less than 6 meals a day, then it all changed. I was in the gym and I would always feel nauseated and had a huge lack of appetite. I started to drop weight and strength extremely. Anxiety and depression was never a part of my life until then I started to have panic attacks almost every day it was horrible. I then went to the Dr and had about every test done possibly.
The Dr’s all told me nothing was wrong with me and that it was just anxiety within the 35 different tests they had done not including blood work. I refused that I just had plain old anxiety, so i started to take matters into my own hands. I did some research on testosterone levels and how it is used and effective in our bodies and said that most of my symptoms by now relate to low testosterone. I then went to the Dr and had my levels checked and the blood test came back 295. Very low for a healthy active 22 year old. Dr told me I was fine and in normal range. I then went to see a homeopathic Dr he put me on HCG, with a dosage of .25 ml 3x a week. I have been on it for about a month and feel no changes. If any one can help me out this would be great here are my recent Hormone Levels.
Testosterone total- 267 (240-1048)
DHEA- 266 (82-448)
Free Testosterone- .95 (.95-4.30)
E2- 22.6 (0.0-40.0)
FSH 4.6 (1.6-11.0)
LH- 4.6 (1.3-7.2)
Prolactin- 8.2 (0.0-18.0)
Cortisol- 5.6 (3.7-9.5)
andrenocorticotropic hormone- 13 (5-46)
Mental fatigue
Brain fog
Memory Loss
Loss of appetite
Loss of Libido
No confidence
Poor metabolism
Poor focus