I live in southwest Florida and have finally started to get serious about getting my levels where they should be. I was diagnosed with Low T in 2008, initial TT was below 100 (I will update all of my levels over the years as soon as my chart arrives). I have a varicocele and have recently heard that having it removed can increase your T levels. I am in the process of locating a doctor who will perform the surgery.
I got diagnosed shortly after I got married. I was having some difficulty maintaining an erection. I went to my GP and after a full blood panel the Low T was discovered. At that same time the GP noted that I had a varicocele, but stated that it would not affect T levels. Went to an endocrinologist for an MRI with contrast to check my pituitary. MRI showed a normal pituitary.
Prior to my diagnosis I was having difficulty with motivation, feeling very lethargic and generally melancholy. I would have difficulty staying awake at work or in school even after a full eight hours of sleep. It was also very difficult to maintain concentration on certain tasks.
I was initially prescribed Androgel 1% at 4 pumps/day. My T levels slowly crept into the bottom end of the normal range so my doctor said that dosage was fine. Because I felt better than I had in years, I assumed this was as good as it could get, even though I still had days where my symptoms would return. For many years I never pursued things any further.
Now, because of cost, I have started to look into alternatives for the TRT. As a result, I realize I have been a negligent patient and am hoping to get my meds straightened out. Accordingly, shots seem like the only way to go. I will need to find a doctor in SWFL who will buy into the treatment plan. If anyone knows of one, please pm the name.
Age: 29
Height: 6’2"
Waist: TBD
Weight: 235
Body and Facial Hair:
Hairy chest, arms and legs. I have a full beard and have for almost 7 years. Facial hair did not start to come in until I was 17 or 18.
Body Composition:
Overweight. Mostly carry the fat in my stomach and love handles. Weight loss has been up and down the last few years. Heaviest was 260 and lightest was 220. During some of the up and down my butt disappeard. It is now so small I can barely keep a pair of pants up with a belt (I now understand why suspenders were invented).
Health Conditions, Symptoms:
Prior to Diagnosis:
Extreme fatigue, even on full rest
Unable to focus on tasks
Social - I am a people person, but generally didn’t feel like going out with a big group or to crowded places.
I dealt with some acid reflux for two years. Under control with prilosec. Started gluten free diet in 11/2012 and ceased prilosec shortly thereafter and have not needed it since.
After Androgel
Mitigation of all symptoms mentioned above. Some days better than others. Anytime I am off the medication for a period of time, the symptoms return in full force.
Rx and OTC Drugs
I took acutane when I was a teenager. Only antibiotics as needed. I had bad allergies when I lived in North Florida so I was on Claritin and Flonase for several years. Prilosec in 2010 and 2011. Now the only med with regularity is Androgel 1%.
Lab Results:
A more complete history will be added upon receipt of my medical file. Also, many of these will be simple TT/FT tests. I didn’t realize what I needed to be requesting until reading this forum.
Blood Test 4/24/13
TT: 335 ng/dl (280-800 ng/dl)
FT: 1.24 ng/dl (.56-2.7 ng/dl)
3-4 meals per day. I am now gluten free. Usually 2 eggs with bacon for breakfast, salad or steak with green vegetables for lunch, and protein and vegetables for dinner.
I do eat quinoa pasta and some gluten free bread products on occaison.
Omega 3
Vitamin D - 5000iu
Lacking. I have recently started Stronglifts 5x5 three times per week. Just looking to get back into the habit of working out.
Testes ache, ever, with a fever: Not that I recall.
How have morning wood and nocturnal erections changed: occaisonal 1-2/month.
Let me know if missed any information you need.