Need advice, took t400 for about 8-10 weeks (twice a week) then added Tren ace 100 mg 2x week. Seemed fine just hard time going to bed. Switched to Cyp 250 and the Tren 100 to 3 times a week was on it for about 4 -6 weeks and last week got limp sick and low libido. Can I just stop Tren stay on test to see if it comes back. Labs prior to this had my test level at 1300. Please help
Get some bloodwork dude. Don’t just keep changing your drugs.
Your taking 800mg/wk test? Any AI?
Have you ever used tren before? I’m guessing you don’t know that acetate ester needs to be injected ED or EOD max to keep the drugs stable in your body. Unstable tren leads to sides. Drop it and get bloods.
Learn about what you are taking before you put it in your body.
If I had to guess you either have high estrogen, high prolactin or both.
What labs do you suggest I check just to make sure I don’t miss any. For now do I just stop the Tren ?
At minimum.
Your issue is either high estrogen. High prolactin or could be the fluctuations from not using the Tren correctly.
Yes I would stop the Tren
doesn’t matter. libido and ED depend on more than just TT. and if it’s not current blood work, then who cares? doesn’t mean much for you today.
stop the Tren, see if you get better. good luck