So I’m currently cruising on 300mg of test a week split into two injections ( Wed night & Sunday night) and I’m taking 1 nolva tab a day Currently 24 years old 173 lbs 9% bodyfat, diet is in check , not holding onto any excess water , no itchy nipples or gyno or anything of that sort. BUT I feel like my libido has dropped over these last few weeks for some odd reason… wake up with morning wood but don’t get mid day erections like I was , I almost have to kinda go out of my way to rub one out … maybe it’s psychological ? Thoughts ?
I debated blasting to 600mg test but when I drop down to cruise I break out on my back for 2-3 weeks and I’m not looking forward to that , currently no acne so I don’t want any & ive been making steady gains on 300mg a week .