I wanted to try scrotal cream but was concerned about high DHT side effects. Would this protocol be effective without raising DHT too much?
1 click AM 20%(50 mg)cream applied to shoulders
1 click AM 5%(12.5mg) cream applied to scrotum
1 click PM 20%(50 mg)cream applied to shoulders
My current labs:
Total Test level 330 ng/dL range 250-1100
Free test 30 pg/dL range 35-155
SHBG 44 nmol/L range 10-50
E2 Ultra Sensitive 19 pg/ml
DHT 37 ng/dL range 16-79
54 years old 22% body fat. (I know it sucks)
Any feedback or advice is appreciated. New to therapy.
Thanks. I was looking for modest increase in DHT without going to high to avoid sides. Figuring it would be better than applying just to shoulders. It’s a conservative approach, middle of the road between scrotal and normal application.
Yeah, that’s not the only low thing. You’re very low T, especially your FT. Just do 150mg split twice a week and work on lowering your bodyfat more. Stay on the protocol 3 months and then get bloodwork to assess your serum levels. Good chance you’ll be right at the high end of TT, FT, E2, and DHT - which you want. If DHT is still not where you want, you can just increase to 200mg/week.