First time poster, long time lurker here. I trust this board above all others so I wanted to bounce a few questions off you guys first.
A little about myself- grew up playing most sports, ran Division I track, dabbled in a little bodybuilding and powerlifting after that, and have now focused my energy on MMA and Crossfit (yes, I know it does not have a popular following here). Iâ??m looking to put together a cycle to help with endurance, recovery, speed, and power.
My stats: 27 years old, 5â??11â??, 210 pounds, and guessing around 8-10% bodyfat.
Squat- 475lbs
Deadlift- 525lbs
Clean and jerk- 315lbs
Snatch- 225lbs
400m sprint- Sub 50 seconds
Diet: A sample day would look like:
Meal 1: 6 eggs, 2 slices of bacon, grilled bell peppers, spinach, onions, and cheese scramble
Meal 2: Protein shake at work
Meal 3: Chicken salad or chicken with steamed veggies
Meal 5: Chicken and a baked potato
Meal 6: PWO Shake- 40 grams of protein, 50 grams of Waxy Maize Starch
Meal 7: Salmon, steak, chicken- basically some sort of meat and two table spoons of fish oil
Training: I train Westside Barbell/Conjugate Method combined with Crossfit Met-Cons and Olympic Lifting.
My cycle experience: I have ran 3 cycles in the past. Test E at 500mg, test prop at 100mg EOD/winstrol at 50 ED, and test E at 400mg/tbol jumpstart. I also have experience with GHRP-2 and Ipamorelin, the latter being my favorite, and did some clenbuterol and albuterol during my track days.
I was planning on running something like this:
Weeks 1-14: 200mg Prop (frontload 400mg week 1)
Weeks 1-12: 400mg EQ (frontload 800mg week 1)
Weeks 9-14: 50mg Winstrol or Anavar ED
Weeks 2-14: 250iu HCG
Will have arimidex on hand but I don’t imagine I will need it.
PCT: I have used both clomid and nolvadex for pct, separately and as a combination. I haven’t noticed much of a difference either way considering I always run HCG during cycles. I was probably going to use 40/20/20/20 nolvadex for this one. I will definitely be throwing in some sort of peptide as well.
I realize these are all very low dosages but remember, I am mostly after the endurance benefits of EQ, recovery, some strenth, and speed. I am not looking for weight gain but athletic performance. These dosages are slightly above what I see endurance athletes (mainly cyclists) use. When I was on 500mg of test, I couldn’t run long distances or do extremely high reps without a huge pump. However, when I ran 100mg prop EOD and 50mg winny ED, I loved the strength and speed I got in the gym (and I was playing a bit of rugby at that time too). I had some joint issues but those subsided after a little GHRP-2/Ipamorelin. Drug testing is not an issue as I will be doing this 4-5 months (which I believe is EQ’s detection time) before any tournament.
A few questions about the EQ, since I am not familiar with the compound:
1.) Is 12 weeks is long enough to gain the endurance benefits? Are the “keepable” gains people talk about also relevant to endurance gains?
2.) Most people would say the minimum EQ dosage would be 400mg. I would only be worried about getting too much of a pump. Could I lower it to 300mg and still reap the endurance benefits?
3.) Should I expect an appetite increase with the EQ at this dosage?
4.) For my purposes, Anavar seems preferred over Winstrol. I liked Winny in the past, is Var worth the extra cash?
Any insight/advice appreciated.