Low carb potassium drinks

OK so fruit juice probaby has more potassium than your average porely made sports drink(not even sure about this, but I dont whant all that sugar. Coconut water is popular for potassium, but I dont believe it even has that much. It just hits your toung like something that should hydrate you and soothe your stomache, and probably dose. What is something i can drink thatll really load me up on potassium, but not belly fat?


I heard they were getting sued for toxins or something?
Idk, never tried them and i dont know how valid the arguments are in the suit.

Wouldnā€™t be the first frivolous lawsuit, and it wouldnt be the first time an influencer pulled a fast one on us.

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:man_shrugging:t2:. Maybe sugar alcohols as a sweetener? I heard something about that, but not much.

Its still hands down better in content than anything else out there.

I know that his lunch packs all got pulled from the shelves for contamination, but that has more to do with the processing & packaging plant than anything. They were craptastic kid food too, but separate issues none the less.


Found this really quickly.

I get the caffeine free stuff. :man_shrugging:t2:.

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So basicallyā€¦

  1. Suit because marketed to adolescents
  2. Dont drink grape
  3. Has more caffeine than advertised

Might have to check it out (except the Grape)!


Its pretty good! I gave it the stink eye and had to examine the label when my kid brought it home, but upon looking I was like ā€œHell yeah! Best thing to happen to ā€˜sports drinksā€™ yet!ā€.

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Whoa! 15% potassium is way better than gatorade! Or at least their old formula. Yeah, I dont know how Jake pulled that off BEFORE the Tyson fight, but jesus, he brought a good drink to stores.

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Why not just use an electrolyte powder mixed with water?


Actually a pretty good idea!! But, i kind of just think i get enough salt in my food, and most electrolyte supps arnt that great for potassium. Plus, I really started this thread while i wad drinking this pineapple, apple, orange concoction that had antiinflamatory bromelain, and all sorts of soothing hangover compounds, it made me crave something more natural without all that sugar from juice.

If youā€™re still looking for something, you could give this a shot. Itā€™s got a little sodium but itā€™s not crazy.


That stuff looks good!


I like this.

Watermelon flavor is my favorite.

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Ive heard some great things about this one! Its a little on the salty side, but the good thing is that most fot people can handle a little extra salt, so a few of these a day can e pretty good for potassium and magnesium too!

Inhear it stacks well with the carnivore diet.