[quote]Yogi wrote:
[quote]DoubleDuce wrote:
First, I’ll say straight out there are a ton of people who do the opposite of what I do with great results. I?m just giving my views, not saying it?s the only way. I’ll also add the caveat that I’m a natty, and I’m sure being enhanced changes things.
I’m pretty anti-carb. My diet is something like 70/20/10 fat/protein/carbs. Basically, I eat quality meat, veggies, nuts, and some dairy. I eat whenever I’m hungry as much as I want. Doing this, I’m not OCD about calories and macros or timing and I’m far leaner and stronger than eating higher carbs.
I got into my style of eating for health reasons (heart specifically). The truth is that most fat is at worse heart health neutral. Saturated fat has no real impact on heart disease. About the only fats you should really watch are from things like vegetable oils which are high in unsaturated omega sixes. My blood work is actually far far better eating pounds of fatty meat than eating loafs of bread. A potato is much worse for my heart than a steak.
I think there are some pretty big pitfalls people get into with low carb though. First, Transition takes time. You have to get through withdrawal symptoms. You generally will feel like crap coming off of carbs and getting your body up and running on fat. Second, if you are going to do this, you have to get all the bullshit government driven fear of fat out of your head. Eat the chicken skin, get the fattier ground beef, put butter on stuff, add heavy cream to your coffee, saute your veggies in bacon grease, quit throwing out egg yolks. If you try it and are afraid of these things, getting the necessary calories from avocado and olive oil will fucking suck and you will be miserable. Third, check what you are actually eating. You?d be surprised how much flour is in the breading of chicken tenders. Tons of things in restaurants and cans have lots of added sugar and wheat. You?d be surprised how many carbs you can get in a salad at Wendy?s, don?t assume.
testify, brother! Although 70% calories from fat wouldn’t be easy. I’d say I was about 50%, myself.
Anyone else find that when they went low carb there was a period when they just didn’t get hungry? It was weird, there was like a week when I was just eating because I knew I was supposed to, not because I felt like I needed it.
About 55%-65% of my calories come from fat. 30%-40% from Protein.
In order to gain weight on an eating style like this it does seem to take more calories. For me atleast. Eating does become a chore.
When you’re sitting there at lunch, 3 hours after second breakfast, with a pound of ground beef smothered in 3 tbsp of Olive Oil and a hand full of cheese; you realize the amount of food you’re going to have to eat to gain a significant amount of weight on a low carb diet.
The “chore” can be fun though. Don’t get me wrong.
PS: I also have a better blood profile on a low carb diet with weekly carbups. (As opposed to a traditional BB higher carb diet)