Hello all, even though I’m a newly registered user, I’ve been spectating and following the T replacement message boards for while now, reading and soaking in a lot of information. The boards have been extremely helpful being that I have been on TRT since May of last year and this therapy is still relatively new to me. The reason I am posting this is because I am based in NYC and am looking for a doctor who is credible and specializes in treating hypogondism (e.g. andrology certified and etc.).
If anyone would mine PMing any recommendations based on personal experience I would be extremely grateful. I have read through some of posts on here and I took note of the times when certain users mentioned satisfaction with their doctors (Bricknyce for example). I am not all that satisfied with my current doctor (who is based in Coney Island, urology is his specialty) as he does not really listen to my requests or experiences with regards to the treatment regimen (went from gels and am currently on pellet injections, better but I feel there are still some issues; felt he moved too fast and spent no time investigating as to why I am hypogonadal and what I can do to possibly restore my hormonal function) and how my body is responding. He does not address my questions/concerns regarding bodily symptoms and I feel as though I am only in and out of his office so that he may earn some quick money.
After beginning treatment with him, I have always tested in the sub 500- mid 500 TT range (my baseline was 196 before TRT) and he feels happy keeping me there, when for my age (which is 27), I know I should and can be higher. I dont expect to feel like a teen again but I dont believe it is unreasonable to want to feel as good as I possibly can. Furthermore, even though I request for E2 to be checked, he always refuses, so after a year and a half on TRT almost, I still have no idea where my baseline E2 is at. I would like some info about some of your experiences (if any) with doctors based in NYC if possible and may like to set up a consultation.
Some background info: Tested @ 196 after feeling horrible for the last 3 years of my life; symptoms included irritability, anxiety, trouble sleeping, insomnia, weakness, lack of libido,diminished energy and etc. Started on testim @ 5g daily for 2 months, felt better for the first week due to the introduction of some testosterone in my system, which thereafter the effects faded. he then switched to androgel @ 5 g daily for another 2 months, felt a little better (had a little more energy) I guess due to the quicker absorption, but the effects once again peaked as they did with testim. Am currently on 10 pellets of testopel every 4 months. I just am not happy with the lack of cohesion with regards to the management of my TRT protocol from my urologist. He is not open to suggestion/discussion and is not addressing my concerns; I still dont feel 100% as I did in my early 20s. As mentioned, I have always tested in the 500s on every form of therapy tried, so I think something is definitely off. Shouldn’t I be testing at least 600-1000? I know this is a long post but would really appreciate the help. Thanks in advance.