Just a quick article that mentions the issue with very low carb diets and hypothyroidism. I just don’t like the idea of a physiological insulin resistance - yet all keto-ers dismiss it as something non pathological so not a problem. It’s just not a desirable state.
“foods that stimulate cortisol” ? do you mean alcohol ,coffee , stimulants ?
So those items can be an issue too but I was specifically thinking about foods that may be inflammatory for individuals like wheat, beans, nuts, milk proteins, lactose, fructose, gut irritants. These are largely individual. Anything that causes inflammation will raise cortisol and adrenaline in response which reduces insulin sensitivity.
wow…thise foods is almost everything I like most /milk,fruits,wheat /… what you sugest to eat /diet for lower cortisol level ? im 51 years old ,workout addict ,neurotype 3/Thibarmy/ thank you in advance
Fruit is fine. It has fructose but not abnormally high levels. Milk and Wheat cause me problems but not everyone, though they are the two most likely foods to cause sensitivities.
Potatoes and rice over wheat.