So, I have been lurking and absorbing as much info as I can from this site and EliteFTS for the past year or so. I basically decided to just start a log so others who happen upon it can give me constructive criticism. It would especially be great if other tall guys gave me input.
Bit of info about me: I’m 6 feet 6 inches tall and weigh 220. I’m 23, just finished school, and looking for a software engineering position at a tech company. I have been lifting for 4 years now, but just in the past couple years decided to get more serious. I started as a freshman in college at 170 pounds. I looked pretty absurd back then.
Anyways, my goals are to get stronger while staying injury free. That is pretty much it. This last spring I messed my lower back up and was not able to deadlift for over a month, and just a month ago I strained my upper paraspinal muscles doing single arm over head dumbbell press. I was not able to move for a couple days, but they seem to be healing quite a bit. Shortly after that I did something weird to my left lat doing farmers walks, and since it has been giving me issues. So, in short I really want to not mess my body up more.
I will be posting my workouts 3 or 4 times a week.