Well, starting off I’ve been lifting on and off for about 7 years. I’ve gone through various injuries(blown acl, some kind of major shoulder sprain, broken vertebra) and long-term breaks from lifting. All these set-backs have slowed my progress but I feel like I’m finally back on it and ready to get serious again.
Here are some stats from the very first time I touched a weight and my current stats
Age: 14
Height: 5’11
Weight: 245
Bench: 115
Bodyfat: FAAAT
Age: 21
Height: 6’2
Weight: 246
Bench: 325
Bodyfat: ~18%
Unfortunately I can’t do squats or full deadlifts right now because of my back(so no maxes for those) but I will be working on that. For the longest time I thought my back was going to permanently screw me out of solid leg work(causes severe back pain when going low on squats and deads) but recently I discovered what causes the pain and discomfort is actually my lower back and hammies being too tight. So, I’m going to work on stretching them out. So hopefully some day down the line I’ll be able to squat and dead heavy again.(I can’t effing wait)
My most recent break was about 2 years from lifting with any kind of regularity. i just started again in February when some of my buddies got me to join their gym. My bodyweight got up to 260 lbs right before I started again.(beer has A LOT of carbs in it, apparently)
My bench went from around 260 in February to 325 in late May. Unfortunately, because my back is currently keeping me from doing Squats or Deads, Bench is my main test for strength right now.
I just got done with a program that was mostly geared towards my chest. So, i decided to do something for the forgotten muscles.(my back)
It’s a rotating split with a lot of volume for my back.
6 weeks long with the days alternating each week.
Day A:
Bent-Over Row/Bench Press----------------------------------3x10
Chest Supported Incline Dumbell Rows/Incline Dumbell Bench-3x12
Reverse Pec Deck/Pec Deck----------------------------------3x8
(end of supersets)
Seating Cable Row (V-Handle)------------------------------3x8
Day B:
Rack Pulls-----------------------------------------3x12
Decline Narrow Bench-------------------------------3x10
Cable Pull-Downs-----------------------------------3x12
Incline Dumbell Curls------------------------------3x6 (each arm)
Overhead Triceps Extension/Single Arm Cable curls–3x10 (each arm on curls)
Day C:
Leg Press--------------3x15
Leg Extensions---------3x12
Leg Curls--------------3x12
Dumbell Shoulder Press-3x10
Week 1:
Saturday–Cardio 45 minutes
Week 2:
Saturday–Cardio 45 minutes
Then after that it just repeats. Alternating each week.
I’m currently on the third week.
7:30 am
Bent-Over Rows/Bench----------------------- 95#x3x10/185#x1x10;205#x1x9;205#x1x8
Incline dumbell Rows/Incline dumbell bench- 50#x3x10/60#x3x10
Reverse Pec deck/pec deck------------------ 70#x3x10/120#x1x10;140#x2x10
Seated Cable Rows-------------------------- 100#x3x10
All my sets i try to hold the weight at the top of the rep for about a second’s hold. so i’m making sure to work the target muscles. Yes my back is weak as sh*t compared to my chest and there are some differences with my reps and the reps i was SUPPOSED to do. I’m still getting used to the rep scheme and i keep forgetting how many I’m supposed to do.i have it written in a book but i dont want to be “that guy” and go into the gym with a binder that never leaves my side. I’m not big enough IMO to do that yet. I’m sure writing it down in this log will help solve that problem though. My conditioning is the main thing holding me back right now. I used to smoke cigars on occasion but have stopped completely since I started this workout routine.(sucking wind on supersets is a good motivation to stop smoking) It should help.
I’m currently cutting right now. i eat complex carbs and protein before workouts and simple carbs and protein after. Any meals other than that are strictly protein and fats. Just drink water. No more beer.
Current Weight: 246
Current BodyFat Percentage: ~18%
Goal weight: 217
Goal Bodyfat percentage: ~7%