I was told that liquid nolva last for at least a year. So now that it’s been almost a year, and the bottle has totally separated. It looks like when milk separates, the “fat” at the top and the “water” in the bottom. No amount of shaking will get it completely mixed.
Is it still good? How do I get it back? My fear is that it’s gone bad, or doses won’t be accurate b/c it’s not mixed completely. Has this happened to anyone? I got it form “ID”.
[quote]Westclock wrote:
Its a suspension, its not likely to ever “completely mix”, even when new.
Give it a good shake, dose on the high side if your worried, its not like “overdosing” on nolva is a huge problem, nor is it hat easy.
It does sound like it has degraded some, as long as you kept it away from heat it should still have lost little potency.
And like I said, we dose nolva probably higher than necessary anyways, 20mgs is generally just as effective as 40 and up, for our purposes.
Dose it high[/quote]
I’ve read some other posts about putting the bottle in hot water, or microwaving it to get rid of clumps. Your post says to keep it away form heat which the opposite. Can you explain?
Just shake the bottle, heat/microwaving will hurt the potency.
As said above it is a suspension, there will be clumps.
Shake vigorously if the clumps really bother you…you’ll be fine.
Every take inject winny?..same concept…shake and enjoy.
DO NOT Microwave it you will break it down!! heat up a bowl of water (not boiling) and set it in there for a while then remove and shake.This works for crystallization as well.
No heat is needed what so ever, as too much heat can actually hurt the compounds. Just shake it and your good. The tamoxifen sitting is what cause separation, so seriously just shake it.