Liquid D-bol

I was just wondering if you guys used similar dosing protocols with liquid dbol that you do with pills. I have a 20mL of 50mg/mL dbol, 30mL of Deca 300, 40mL of 50mg/mL winny, 80mL of 125mg/mL trenbolone acetate, and 20 mL of 200mg/mL test propionate…

I remember reading a few weeks ago about P22 not starting the dbol until the other long lasting injectables kick in… As you can tell, this cycle is all injectable… I’m thinking about drinking the dbol. No need to worry, I have all my ancillaries covered. I have 100mL of 20mg/mL liquid nolvadex and 100mL of 50mg/mL clomid for my PCT.

What could I possibly make of this cycle? Any suggestions?

Since you are likely going to be injecting your winstrol, prop, and tren eod or very frequently then you might as well just add your dbol to the same shots. You might see better results as opposed to drinking it, but either way would work. Since you are already injecting anyway, what’s adding one more CC?

Forgot to add, 1/2 ml twice a day orally would work for your dbol and winstrol if you want to cut down on your injection volume.

Liquid dbol is not intended to be injected. Orals are not sterilized in the same manner as oils that are meant to be injected. Please do not inject!!

[quote]carpmentor wrote:
Liquid dbol is not intended to be injected. Orals are not sterilized in the same manner as oils that are meant to be injected. Please do not inject!![/quote]

Actually dbol can be put in sterile suspension

[quote]carpmentor wrote:
Liquid dbol is not intended to be injected. Orals are not sterilized in the same manner as oils that are meant to be injected. Please do not inject!![/quote]

Liquid dbol is intended to be injected. I think you are confused.

I have seen many versions of L-DBOL advertised and all of them are for oral use. Does your product say whether its oral or IM?

As far as Dbol goes it can be both injected and taken orally. I used the mexican D a few years back known as Refrovet. I can’t remember the spelling exactly because I am no longer in among the AAS circle. What I can tell you is that Refrovet was injectible because it had B12 in it. You would experience a quick burn and then a fast cooling sensation. As far as orally, I used (OOO) triple O gel caps. There just empty gel caps that can be picked up at any health food retailer. I believe one cap will hold half a CC. The only catch is that you need to digest the cap soon after because it will melt the gel cap over time.
Hope this helps,