Libido is Still Very Bad. Not Sure What To Do

Libido is still low/non-existent. Wondering what I can do. Been this way a long time, probably since I was like 19 years old. No stress, no debt, no girlfriend, nothing in daily life that should be affecting it that I know of. Lower doses of test didn’t do anything (though lowest I’ve tried was 150mg per week. My TT and FT were both at the very top of the range). The dose I’m at now is the highest I can go without acne. Otherwise I feel pretty normal. Some confidence, energy is fine, etc. Don’t feel like superman but feel normal. Even with tadalafil I have problems sometimes but I think it’s just the fact I have low libido.

I will say sometimes it feels like it randomly spikes. No idea what causes it. Might be in the mood to go once a day for a week but that is very very rare. Usually it’s only maybe once a week if that.

Currently on test e: 55mg EOD
Tadalafil: 5mg ED
Synthroid: 125mcg ED

Recent lab results:
TT: 1172 (250-1100)
FT: 373 (46-224)
E2: 75 (<29)
TSH: 0.87 (0.4-4.5)
T4 Free: 1.5 (0.8-1.8)

Been a few months since I checked prolactin but at the time it was good and everytime I’ve checked it it’s fine. Taking DHEA just gave me acne and didn’t do anything, it’s in range as well. Tried HCG for a week but immediately had bad acne and felt crappy. Tongkat ali and other powders did nothing.

Any ideas/advice?

Have you experimented with lowering this? In small steps?

Your lowest dose was 150mg/week?

That’s not low at all.

Try 100mg and see how you respond. Some on here respond best with sub 100mg/week doses.

Your E2 is also very high.

I want to try to avoid ai. Prefer my body regulates itself. Only plan on trying it as a last resort.

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I will say that libido is one of those odd things that is somewhat hard to chase down. Definitely try 100mg/wk and try to microdose daily in order to lower Estrogen naturally. Ive managed to have my E in the 35-40 range with 220mg/wk no AI for some time now. I dose daily for this reason. Also I will suggest you start teasing your brain with pictures instead of video porn. If you’re jacking off daily, then I say libido is there. If theres literally no drive. Start low and and work it up into the 200mg territory. But let’s also focus on brain wiring. Before going to bed look at pics of women. Are you exercising? Overweight?

At 150mg I still felt like pre trt. Doctor upped my dose because he felt if I wasn’t feeling anything then going down would be counter-productive. I feel fine except libido which has been low since pre trt when my test was low as well.

Comparing my 150mg labs and current 192.5mg labs I’m assuming 100mg will put me pretty low. Prob mid range of labs. Could be wrong but that’s a huge drop.

Seems odd that 150mg would feel no difference, 192.5mg feel a difference, that 100mg would feel an even better difference.

In shape. Very lean 6ft 160lbs. Don’t jack it everyday my libido is low maybe once a week if that.

I dose every other day but maybe I’ll start trying daily. I feel like lowering my dose that much when 150mg didn’t do anything for me might not be a good idea but I’m running out of options I think. Would rather trt that before ai

Ok I hear ya. Then up the dose to 200mg with daily injections. Use a 29g needle in the ventroglute. Works for me. And dont make a change for 3-4 months.

I had the same issues. Libido totally went away about college time for me. Just gone. No drive. No blue balls feeling. Nothing. Making out with a woman does nothing for getting me going. it’s horrible.

I tried up to 210mg and at that point was dealing with bad acne. I was at 200mg for a while with the same effects as the 192.5mg I’m at now. Difference between 192.5mg and 200mg isn’t anything when it comes to normal stuff but I don’t get random acne nodules on my chest/neck/back. They are rare but they happened more the higher my dose was. I’ve dealt with horrible acne in my early 20s and nothing worked but accutane.

So you never figured out how to fix it?

I’ve tried everything. High dose TRT. Low dose trt. Frequency changes. Meds.

Nothing has made it return. It’s the worst thing to deal with.

It’s actually life destroying bc how do you have a relationship like this? Fake it all the time? It’s actually gotten me to the point of being suicidal.

If acne is an issue take accutane and it will help. But Id rather deal with that than libido issues.

I’ve already taken a course of accutane in my mid 20s for cystic acne that didn’t calm down to any treatments. That crap is harsh and I really don’t want to touch it again. I have dry skin that has never gone away. My skin is so sensitive now just going swimming or getting a shower causes it to get extremely blotchy. People always think I’m allergic to something in the water. It worked and I don’t deal with acne anymore unless my hormones are out of whack but I really prefer to avoid it anymore

Accutane is known to sometimes permanently eliminate libido in men.

I’ve considered this being the problem, but I already had a pretty low libido prior to this. Maybe accutane was the nail in the coffin I’m not sure. It’s also not completely gone, just very low. And randomly spikes without me changing anything

Do you know your SHBG?

Not recently, but last checked it was low, 12. That’s why I opted to go from once a week to eod.

With SHBG of 12 you need dailies. I get acne too but Id rather feel good. Sounds like you make changes if something reacts negatively. Boost your test and allow the chips to fall where they may. Get a scrubber and it should help with body acne. Forget the accutane crap

That’s very low, as hinted by your high Free T and E2 and low Total T (relative to your dosage). The stock advice for low SHBG is to lower the dosage and switch to everyday injections. Because you lack enough “carriers” to bind up your testosterone, you have a surplus floating around to aromatize into E2 and 5-alpha reduce into DHT. Overly high E2 can mitigate many of the benefits of high Free T, and high free DHT was likely the source of your cystic acne (sebum production in overdrive). You’d end up excreting (wasting) a lot of unbound testosterone too. Basically, with low SHBG, increasing the dosage is the worst thing you could do, aside from lowering injection frequency.

Someone please correct me if I’m wrong.