[quote]ChuckyT wrote:
vroom wrote:
Strange how nobody cares that the executive branch of the government conspired to discredit someone who was doing his job.
It’s very dangerous to have the government going after citizens in this way. Very dangerous. It doesn’t matter whether it is happening on the left or the right of political spectrum.
That’s BIG. Very BIG.
It’s even more important that the government be held to the law than the populace.
Did you even follow the case? I suppose not. Joe Wilson launched a smear attack against the Bush administration, claiming things that he was later forced to recant under oath (read the 9.11 commission’s report on Niger). Why isn’t this brough up more?
It turns out the dumb bastard didn’t even attempt to do his job in Niger, gave his report saying the the Iraqis WERE trying to acquire uranium, then turned around and lied about it to get a feature in the NYT? Then had to change his story again upon subpoena?
Then, we find out that the real leaker was Richard Armitage, a foe of Bush policy from the state department. He admitted this publicly and the prosecutor said he knew about it. OK… So where’s the charges against Armitage? There were none, because… there was no crime!
You have to break a law to be charged with a crime, and leaking this information, while it may have been shady, was not criminal. (If being a scumbag were a crime, there would be no supplement industry, no government, no HIT, and three lawyers.)
So the case is closed. No crimes committed, no charges brought in the leak case. But the media tries to portray this as some kind of anti-Bush verdict. But it wasn’t – it proved nothing of the sort, although that hasn’t stopped the media from running with that idea.
It sounds to me Libby was trying to cover his ass in case he was the leak (he wasn’t, remember, Armitage admitted it). If Libby lied to the investigators for whatever reason he ought to go to jail, just like anyone else who commits the same crime.
This includes lying under oath about fucking your intern – the porking isn’t criminal any more than revealing that Joe Wilson’s wife works a desk at the CIA was. The perjury and obstruction of justice is.
I hope any of you democrats that argued that Bill Clinton ought to be freed since he lied about something that wasn’t a crime and coo about how Libby is going to prison for the same exact thing fucking choke (and recover of course, but only after severe pain and panic). [/quote]
Very, very good post. Wilson is a douchebag of the highest order.