LH Shutdown?

Hi guys, hope to get some feedback here. Iv recently started HRT, started with a Nebido shot 20 days ago and been injecting ovedrel 250iu eod. recently had some blood work done and my LH came back none existant. Is the ovidrel not working or is this normal.

I initially felt great post Nebido shot but then its affect sizzled out, possibly because of lh shut down? Iv been taking bloods every 4 days to check e2 and hve been using Arimidex to keep it in the low end.
Any help would be great.

Any type of trt will shut down lh and fsh…

When the hypothalamus senses you have enough T in your body it doesn’t send the signal for your pituitary to make these hormones.

Your most Likly having a problem with estrogen and the aromatase enzyme…

Read estrodiol and why it matters

Read the advice for new guys sticky

Top of page first few threads are stickys

Or your may be a hyper excreter of T and nebido is not for you

Read the protocol for injections sticky

Thank you, il do so