Okay so i’ve decided to start maybe my 1st training log on here! I’m from the UK so all weights shown will be in KG.
I’m finally starting to be consistent in my training again and slowly getting results.
Here is a PB from my last training session to get this log started!!
320kg Deadlift PB
you are finally starting to be consistent but you start your log with a 320 kg pull? 
haha thanks mate, its been nearly 3 years since i’ve been training this well.
Nothing crazy tonight just a bit of a pump session after Sunday’s heavy one.
Left pec is still giving me shit.
40x15, 80x12, 120x10, 160x8, 180x8, 200x6 PB, 160-40 drop set
DB Row
20sx10, 30sx10, 40sx10, 50sx8, 62.5sx6, 30sx15
DB Pullover
10x15, 15x3? (Tweaked pec!)
DB Alt Curl
7 sets
DB Preacher Hammer Curl
3 sets
Feeling great and the moment, also down 4kg in bodyweight.
Power Snatch
20x5, 45x3, 65x3, 75x3, 80x2, 80x3 PB
Viking Press
25x8, 45x5, 65x5, 85x5, 105x5, 125x5
Seated DB Press
30sx10, 35sx8, 40sx9 PB
Side Delts
5 sets
Chest Support DB Front Raise
3 sets
Upright Row
3 sets
A very very quick session! First i tested the truck pull for the upcoming Plymouth’s Strongest Man & Woman competition, then some axle.
60x2, 80x2, 100x2, 120x1, 125x1, 130x1 PB
130kg Axle Press PB
Some decent training although very low volume last week. Here is a recap on my last two sessions:
Strict Log
80x3, 80x3, 100x1, 110x1, 120x1, 130x1 PB
Bench Press (nursing a pec injury)
20x10, 40x10, 60x10, 80x10, 100x5
5 sets
Side Delts
4 sets
Band Pressdowns
3 sets
130kg Strict/Mong Log Press PB
A cheeky PB yesterday, really having fun again with training!
Block Pull
70x3, 110x3, 150x3, 190x2, 230x2, 270x2, 310x2 PB, 330x1 PB
Axle Squat
20x5, 60x5, 100x5, 140x5, 180x5, 220x3 PB, 230x1 PB
Leg Extn
4 sets
Leg Curl
3 sets
330kg Block Pull PB
Axle Deadlift
60x5, 100x5, 140x5, 180x5, 220x5
Axle Squat
20x5, 60x5, 100x5, 140x5, 180x3, 220x3, 240x1, 260x1 PB
2 sets at 120 (bad set up, cheap tape!
Only manged to train once this week, but still moving in the right direction. Bicep tendinitis is back is vengeance too so i had to substitute axle and log with the viking press.
Block Pull
70x5, 120x5, 170x5, 220x3, 260x3, 300x1, 340x1 PB, 300x3 PB
40x10, 80x10, 120x10, 140x10, 160x8, 180x8
Viking Press
45x5, 65x5, 85x5, 105x3, 125x3, 145x1, 155x1 PB, 145x3
4 sets
Hammer Curls
4 sets
Side Delts
4 sets
340kg Block Pull PB
155kg Viking Press PB
Nice work mate, looks like you’ve got a decent set up in that gym. Try doing a 320kg block pull in my pure gym 
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Thanks mate! Haha yeah, i can’t remember the last time i used a commercial gym.