Leg Exercises NOT using the low back

zercher squat, do a search, it should be in a coach Davies article

People suggesting the “Zercher Squat” have never done them. Of course it involves the lower back. Most movements that require a a great degree of stabilization do.

And just so you know, I’m not doing anything with a barbell on my back either. As you may notice, I included DB Step-Ups and Ball-buster Lunges. These work well for the meantime, sparing my back.

I might try it, because I feel that my quads are not growing nearly as fast as I want. Who knows, it might work.

Machine Horizontal leg press machine machine it you gym’s circut training area should be okay. Not the 45 degree angle leg press machine stay away from that one! And again if your gym has free motion equipment try that out. you can do cable squats, or lunges ect. w/ that type of equipment. also try some swiss ball stuff too. Like the leg curl or even a swiss ball squat at least has less pressure on the lower back another thing you can do is a simple wall sit w/ or with out weights, see how long you can hold yourself on the wall in a sitting position. hope this help Machine. Get better.

Machine - can you run? For a leg frier you can always run up and down the steps of a stadium.

I run. The other day I did 400m sprints but my back was actually hurting a lot after it so I might cut down the running per week.

Machine donot run! in your condition. Running especially sprinting will aggrevate your lower back. you can walk or do a lite jog but don’t run. If you want to sprint do it on the Eliptical machine less pressure on the lower back.