So today was my 5th injection of my first AAS cycle. Im running test E so ive been injecting sunday nights and thursdays around noon giving me 3.5 days approximately between injections. Because this is my first cycle and im worried about hitting nerves/veins ive been sticking to delts only which is fine for me. In the beginning a little sore but my muscles have gotten used to the injections.
Im using a 25g 5/8 in needle. Now then, so far injections have been going smooth, perfectly smooth to be honest. Small poke, drop of blood, no biggie u get the deal. Todays injection however i noticed afterwards that there was some oil leaking while i was giving the injection.
Was wondering if anyone could share some light on the subject. Injectiong too fast? not deep enough? to be honest i have no idea. takes me a minute or 2 to get a cc of test and i shove the needle all the way in. Any help would be greatly appreciated.