What was the last book you read and how was it? Mine was ‘Life of Pi’ by Yann Martel, and it is probably the best book I have ever read. Prior to that I read ‘The Corrections’ by Jonathan Franzen and found it good, but definitely not nearly as good as the hype made it out to be. Before that I read ‘Lord of the Rings’ for the third time, and it is an excellent work of literature.
Bias by Bernard Goldberg
Just finished The Golden Compass, the first book in the His Dark Materials trilogy, just started the 2nd book: The Subtle Knife last knife, excellent books.
Some James Patterson book, When the Wind Blows, or something like that. I finished it the other night, but hardly looked at the cover.
I’m halfway through Michael Connelly’s Void Moon and it’s been pretty good so far. Not Connelly’s best work, but I’m more into the FBI stuff anyway.
I’m reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Loving it. It’s funny because I more or less had the same ideas about education, working, and money before I picked it up. I feel like I wrote the book! I think I’m on the right path to success. That path is non-conformity.
Currently reading “The Mountains of California” by John Muir…
A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters, Barnes
Both subtle and explicit metafiction. A fun read.
Kosher Adultery by Schmuley Boteach. Interesting stuffs.
The Prayer of Jabez (for something like the 8th time) by Barry Wilkinson. Before that was The Five Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell (first time through that one). I’m currently in The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino (second time through that one), and will embark on the scrolls in the coming week.
By: Fred Sabberhaggen
I know it’s not a deep or insightfull book but man do I love Saberhaggen’s writing. It’s probably about the 4th time I’ve read it. Best Vampire series out there (I don’t normally enjoy them much).
It was probably Horn of the Hunter by Robert Ruark. It’s an awesome piece of nonfiction about African big game safari hunting. Ruark was a great writer. I need to get more of his stuff.
I read several a week, sometimes a couple at once, plus a ton of audiobooks, but here are the last few:
“Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” by Phillip K. Dick. This was the book that became the movie Blade Runner. Same guy wrote The Minority Report, which was actually just a short story before it became a movie.
“Flyboy Action Figure Comes With Gasmask” by Jim Munroe. Very weird. Very Canadian.
“Tricky Business” by Dave Barry. Pure fun.
“Me Talk Pretty One Day” by David Sedaris. Very funny. Very touching. Very gay.
I’m also writing my first novel. I plan to read it as well.
I just finished The Names by Don DeLillo, and before that it was Graham Swift’s Last Orders as well as Life of Pi. I just started the Old Man and The Sea.
I may also read ‘Old Man and the Sea’
What did you think of ‘Life of Pi’?
Z: I was skeptical about Life of Pi because I’m usually skeptical about things that are that recieve as much hype as Pi did. I was surprised, although I eventually figured I’d like it. Its a very well written story, nice fantasy, with a good twist at the end. I didn’t read it like an English student (had enough of that), and although I’m sure it works on an analytical level, it functions very nicely as a everyday, everyperson novel. My one detraction is that it doesn’t really measure up, at least in my mind, to past Booker Prize winners, except for God of Small Things. My .02.
I just finished Rainbow Six. It was my first Tom Clancy book and I found it mildly entertaining. It was good to read about some special forces bad-asses though.
I’m currently in the middle of The Fountainhead. I’ve really enjoyed it so far. After that I’ll probably move on to Atlas Shrugged.
Patriot Games by Tom Clancy
The history of Britian. Plus several audio books
Negotiate Anything,The Hobbit, Rich Dad’s guide to investing.
“Education of a Wandering Man” by Louis L’amour. Dull at times, but overall a great story with a lot of interesting historical facts I never would have guessed.
And my LSAT review book, which I don’t recommend to anyone.