Lasix Doesn't Work...

[quote]Nidal AK wrote:

[quote]cadav wrote:
than i start feeling bloated… i don’t understand why (same diet, same training, same supplements, no AAS or anti-E)
First of all, this is from his first post. he clearly says that he didn’t use an anti-E or this is what i and many readers understood [/quote]

I gathered that was you understood, or I think mis-understood, from your partial quote of what he said. If you think that quote says that he didn’t use an anti-E, then you must also think that he didn’t sue any AAS as well. The full quote I took to mean “I was on a Dbol cycle and its now 40 days later and there are problems even though I am on the same diet, training, and not on AAS or Anti-E”. I’m not sure why you took that quote to me “I am on cycle and having problems”.

[quote][quote]cadav wrote:
To all the other guys and about Adex…
I’m using a really low dose of DBOL, to help me in my “recover” and support me.
Secondly, here he says that he is using a low dose of DBOL after he ended his cycle to help him “recover”[/quote]

And I already explained why I think that was a typo. From all of his other posts, I gathered the Dbol was a bridge of some kind after some longer cycle to help him recover. Perhaps I’m off on the reason for the Dbol but that still doesn’t mean he’s on cycle.

And I have no idea why you are getting so pissy over what I wrote. I never attacked you, I just explained how I saw things and the reason I saw them that way. I am not here defending him, I only mentioned his experience as I saw the replies heading towards the level of response shown to a 17 year old who popped pills for six weeks to get swole. Which is not the case.

So before you type another pissy response, let’s give cadav back his thread. You think he’s on Dbol presently, so be it. I’ve explained my point of view and only cadav can say which is which. If I’m wrong, I’ll admit it.

[quote]Nidal AK wrote:

this will cause estrogen levels to elevate, even if your taking a small dose especially straight after PCT when your body is still trying to recover and normalize natural hormone levels.
In my opinion 40 days after a cycle is still a recovery period[/quote]

IMVHO 40days for an oral cycle, like mine with DBOL, is no way a recovery period…
I have not done an heavy cycle… 5 weeks of dbol (35days) cannot need 40 days of recovery.

[quote]midnightamnesia wrote:
Wait, are you STILL using dianabol after your cycle? How much, and for how long have you been using it?

After these questions are answered, we may be more able to help you. As it is, it sounds like an estrogen issue.[/quote]

no, i’m not using dbol.
The dbol was the cycle, 5weeks 20mg ED

[quote]MrZsasz wrote:
I think cadav meant to say “used”, not “using”. So anybody offering advice based on him still being on would be off base. He explained how long he was on(first post) and that he did have a PCT( I imagine use Nolva) and is now finding this problem coming up 40 days later after a Dbol only cycle.

all right. Sorry. My bad English strikes again :stuck_out_tongue:


It could very well just be a digestion issue as some have mentioned. You could be worn down from training, work, etc and your same diet and supplements are just more than your stomach can handle right now. Try some digestive supplements, staying away from all that heavy Italian food, and perhaps look up some of the articles on here about water manipulation for bodybuilding or last minute dieting. I think Berardi and CT had one each.

Anyway, everyone is going to be guessing as much as you I suppose. Though I think taking the simpler route of checking out your diet would be a better first step than the lasix. [/quote]

Today i’m feel really better.
Lasix help me dropping water and my overall bloating disappears.

I have “discovered” that a lot of people among my friend and in the office have stomach problem in these days. So… i supposed it should be some kind of virus or other stuff like that…

However on the diet issue: i’m on a very simple diet based on vegetable and meat… no Italian stuff :smiley: (i’m not the classic italian guy on the food side of life…)

[quote]Nidal AK wrote:

First of all, this is from his first post. he clearly says that he didn’t use an anti-E or this is what i and many readers understood

yes. I have not used anti E during cycle. I have used it in the PCT (nolva).

MrZsasz fully understood my post.

I’ll try to explain me in a better way.

40 days ago i have complete the PCT (nolva as usual) after 5 weeks of a light DBOL cycle (20mg ED).
The DBOL helped me to recover from a stupid injury.

I had no problem in the last 40 days. All was as good as it should be.
Last week i start to feel bloated. And it is a very strange feeling, i have a strong “stomach” and i never get problem with my gut.

I start to show a bloat look (arms, face, gut…).
I decide to start using a small lasix dose to purge water cause i don’t understand the nature of the problem:
i was on the same very clean diet. I have not modified my training, nor i’m using AAS or AntiE (in the last week i mean)

Today i’m start feeling really better and with less bloating. Lasix tart working better and i have lost “water weight”.
Talking with people in office and gym i have discovered that a lot of them had the same problem. Someone puke and get trouble with is stomach. So i think it was, at last, some kind of virus or other shit.

My excuse for lack of proper English.

i am not angry or anything, just wanted to understand what HE is going through. i’m glad your better now. Good luck

MrZsasz don’t take any of my post in a negative way. its just the keto diet talking

[quote]Nidal AK wrote:
MrZsasz don’t take any of my post in a negative way. its just the keto diet talking[/quote]

LOL. I can understand :wink:

[quote]Nidal AK wrote:
i am not angry or anything, just wanted to understand what HE is going through. i’m glad your better now. Good luck

MrZsasz don’t take any of my post in a negative way. its just the keto diet talking[/quote]

Figured something must be up, I don’t see you making many posts like that. Anyway, totally understand a bad day and I was having one myself when I responded. In the end, cadav is doing better which is what we both wanted.

[quote]MrZsasz wrote:

Figured something must be up, I don’t see you making many posts like that. Anyway, totally understand a bad day and I was having one myself when I responded. In the end, cadav is doing better which is what we both wanted.[/quote]

It is nice to “see” that sometimes good place never change…
