The results from my blood work are below. Doesn’t seem too shabby but I’d like your experienced/educated opinion (if you have one lol).
I’ve been following a high fat and lower carb diet for a few weeks so that explains the cholesterol…however I have been reading scholarly articles on how high cholesterol and high sodium intake is good. So much conflicting information out there these days…
Your total T is pretty good, free T is a bit bit below mid range. How do you feel though? Also age, body fat level, Energy, libido, and ED, diet, avtivity level? All would be helpful to the forum to provide guidance.
I don’t see any thyroid testing, you’ll want to check that out too. TSH, F-T3 F-T4 Reverse T3.
Unfortunately all of the symptoms of low t can be caused by a lot of things. With your numbers I might look elsewhere first, assuming you don’t feel well currently.
I’m 34 years old, 6’ 2", body fat is probably around 16%, and I weigh 205lbs. Just for reference, my max back squat is 315, bench press 250, and deadlift maybe 415 (haven’t tested in a while).
I feel my energy is low when I reflect back on my “younger” years when I could run a sub 8 min 1.5 mile. Determining my libido has always been odd to me, however, I think libido is low (I guess I’m fine with not having sex for a month…no big deal). Not into porn or anything of that sort lol.
I eat healthy. I’ve been trying to lose bodyfat but find it more difficult than before. I consume about 200g in protein, 50g carb, and 100g. fat. I probably workout 5x a week at 1 hour each session.
I suppose I’m just hoping I’d respond well to say 200mg injections of test cyp per week that it would elevate my levels higher. If I were to go with a 200mg a week protocol could it keep me at the same level or could this increase my “free” test levels? Thanks fellas.
The SHBG balances the Total and Free T, the Total is inactive and the Free T is what matters. Your Free T isn’t terrible but not optimal either. I also believe you have low thyroid function if the bilirubin has anything to say about it.
The high bilirubin may indicate hypothyroidism, I’ve read paper on clearance rate of bilirubin in rats who had hypothyroidism and also hyperthyroidism, the clearance rate of bilirubin via the liver increased in those with hypothyroidism and decreased in those with hyperthyroidism.
I have the Gilberts gene and have always have had high bilirubin, I don’t process it correctly because I lack the enzyme that clears bilirubin from the bloodstream, this enzyme is also needed for clearance of byproducts of medications and is why I get a lot of side effects from some medicines.
If anything you more than likely have low thyroid function and therefore TRT would not show full benefits. You need the free thyroid hormones tested, TSH, Free T3 (not T3), Free T4, Reverse T3, Thyroglobulin Antibodies (TgAb) and Peroxidase (TPO) Antibodies.
You’ve got a good point there. Based on your conversion to a unit i recognize, yeah, I agree he’d probably do well to try trt. And given that he probably has a high shbg 200mg week is a good place to start.
Thank you all for the info and guidance. I suppose additional testing is in order. When I saw that my bilirubin was elevated I thought that was a bit odd because I my wife just had a son and his bilirubin was high as well.
If it is hypothyroidism, do you recommend any medication or herbal supplements?
Thanks again everyone. I think I’ll try the trt at 200mg per week for a few weeks to see if there are any improvements. If not I suppose I can always come off…
Both my parents carry and passed on the gene to me. When I was younger and didn’t have low testosterone, I always wondered why my skin had a yellow tinge to it. I went on TRT and was having other symptoms and the bilirubin was discovered purely by chance, the blood test was ordered and I was shown to have the Gilberts gene.
Gilbert’s syndrome is typically harmless and treatment isn’t needed. Liver disease can also cause high bilirubin.
You would need thyroid hormones, T3+T4, however if Reverse T3 is high, then T3 only because in this case T4 will convert to Reverse T3.
You need to give TRT a chance and it can take several months to figure out your protocol and beyond a year to show maximum results.
Normal frequency is difficult to quantify, and dependent upon so many factors, but this cannot be healthy for one your age. I have to think you’re in the lower 5% with this. Must be a study somewhere, The Journal of Sexual Medicine maybe. I’m going to look.
The majority (eliminating gel, cream and pellet guys because most inject) of men using testosterone inject 200mg once a week. The vast majority take 150-200mg once a week, probably 90%.
Your numbers are not horrible. However, double your free test and you will feel better. I wonder what your SHBG level is. TRT will drop SHBG and increase free T.
Not always, depends where 200 gets you, some men are 2000ng/dl+ on such a dose, others won’t even hit 500ng/dl
I recall watching Dr Thomas O Connor’s channel, he mentioned a patient that needs SEVEN HUNDRED milligrams of test per week to maintain physiologic concentrations… poor guy, imagine having to pay for that
The vast majority take 150-200mg once a week, probably 90%.
I believe this to be an accurate assumption. I’ve only been researching this stuff for about a month but 200 seems to be the starting point. I personally would rather start high and dial it back if necessary.
Your numbers are not horrible. However, double your free test and you will feel better. I wonder what your SHBG level is. TRT will drop SHBG and increase free T.
Great! I was also trying to learn if taking TRT would decrease SHBG, thereby increasing free T. Perhaps I’ll get labs done at maybe 6-8 weeks to confirm.
Yikes. Terrible scenario. I suppose this explains why those who choose to “cycle” test for performance purposes do not respond or notice anything while on 400mg-500mg. I wonder what it would be indicative of for one’s physiological makeup to be so unresponsive and perhaps resistant to Test injections. I’m going to check out this Dr. O’ Connor’s channel…I presume its YouTube.