@s.gentz My diet consists of eating 5 or 6 meals a day, 40+ grams of protein per meal, eating carbs like rice, sourdough bread, oatmeal with berries, burritos, and veggies. Dessert every so often, usually the weekend. Often my last 2 meals for the day are no carbs, just meat and casein protein (cheese or protein powder). My biggest dietary upgrade within the last few years was replacing Dave’s Killer Bread with local sourdough, haha.
Good sparring day yesterday. Sparred coach Gabriel again, as the only sparring day available this week was coach sparring. Slipped way more punches than previous sessions and didn’t keep my head on the centerline. I also used my strength to push him around as he came forward, moving him into position for my punches and throwing him off-balance, which I’m now reminded that George Foreman used to do. I also threw rapid double left hooks, which landed every time. People just don’t think another hook is coming after the first. My corner coach complimented me after each round and said I look much better than last time.
My biggest regret was looking at the clock at the end of round 2, trying to time when I should start throwing more flurries in an effort to pace myself. During this pause, I heard my cornerman yell out that my opponent was open and to capitalize. I consider this action personally disgraceful and mentally reprimanded myself to not check the clock again. Coach Gabe was doing rounds with almost everyone while I only had 3 rounds with him to contend with, there should be no worry about cardio.
After 3 rounds were over, instead of watching the rest of the matches like most people I went to work on the heavy bag for the remainder of the time I had. I ran into another coach of mine on the ground floor who fist bumped me and he also said I’ve improved.
Ate a big steak with a small salad for dinner, followed by cottage cheese before bed, and slept like a baby after nighttime stretches and foam rolling.
This morning before work I did 100 total push-ups, broken up in sets of 52, 30, and 18, followed by 50 band pull-aparts.