KRAKATOA: PowPowPunishment's Daily Ventures of Destruction

@s.gentz My diet consists of eating 5 or 6 meals a day, 40+ grams of protein per meal, eating carbs like rice, sourdough bread, oatmeal with berries, burritos, and veggies. Dessert every so often, usually the weekend. Often my last 2 meals for the day are no carbs, just meat and casein protein (cheese or protein powder). My biggest dietary upgrade within the last few years was replacing Dave’s Killer Bread with local sourdough, haha.

Good sparring day yesterday. Sparred coach Gabriel again, as the only sparring day available this week was coach sparring. Slipped way more punches than previous sessions and didn’t keep my head on the centerline. I also used my strength to push him around as he came forward, moving him into position for my punches and throwing him off-balance, which I’m now reminded that George Foreman used to do. I also threw rapid double left hooks, which landed every time. People just don’t think another hook is coming after the first. My corner coach complimented me after each round and said I look much better than last time.

My biggest regret was looking at the clock at the end of round 2, trying to time when I should start throwing more flurries in an effort to pace myself. During this pause, I heard my cornerman yell out that my opponent was open and to capitalize. I consider this action personally disgraceful and mentally reprimanded myself to not check the clock again. Coach Gabe was doing rounds with almost everyone while I only had 3 rounds with him to contend with, there should be no worry about cardio.

After 3 rounds were over, instead of watching the rest of the matches like most people I went to work on the heavy bag for the remainder of the time I had. I ran into another coach of mine on the ground floor who fist bumped me and he also said I’ve improved.

Ate a big steak with a small salad for dinner, followed by cottage cheese before bed, and slept like a baby after nighttime stretches and foam rolling.

This morning before work I did 100 total push-ups, broken up in sets of 52, 30, and 18, followed by 50 band pull-aparts.


Boxing was a good workout yesterday. Ran through 8 different stations: sledgehammer hits on a tire, tire flips, push-ups, landmine presses, kettlebell squats, battle ropes, step-ups, and sit-ups. Switched to 2 rounds of freestyle heavy bag work and 2 rounds of partner drills where the striker would call out a combo and the opponent has to defend, switching every 3 combos. Ended with ab work and then stretches.

Between the 100 push-ups in the morning and the additional workout at boxing, my upper-body got good training for the work week. May do heavy but low-rep benching this afternoon along with squats, or just squats by themselves since I’m signed-up for Friday boxing which is the most calisthenic-intensive day of the week.

This morning: 30 goblet squats with the 50 lb kettlebell followed by 30 kettlebell swings.


Yukon bar squats
430 x 7
Drop-down to 365 x 7, 315 x 8, 225 x 8, 135 x 8

I did not take into account that I may want to squat heavy later when I did kettlebell goblet squats in the morning. And we did kettlebell squats and dynamic jumps in boxing the day before. Still crushed this. Didn’t feel particularly heavy, but my quads felt like they lacked a little pop when at the bottom so I screamed on the last few reps.

There was heavy rain so I squatted in the garage, but was a bit wary about the smooth concrete and wet shoes from going outside to fetch plates (first time barbell squatting inside). Will set-up grippy patio tiles next time.


Friday night boxing was a grueling workout, like usual. Mixed in push-ups, squats, and high knees during rounds on the heavy bag. This coach also had us practice hooks with the palm facing down, which he explained can sometimes slip over the opponent’s guard better. It’s something I’ve experimented with before and never stuck to, but that’s an interesting point.

Throwing right hooks is a little painful on my shoulder and it’s hard to generate power. Will up the shoulder rehab this week: band pull-aparts, dead hangs, and Turkish get-ups. Thankful that it’s my right, though, and that I can throw hard straights with my right just fine.

Saturday was a rest day. Did some stretching, foam rolling, and went on a 10-minute post-lunch walk. Went to a friend’s house for a board game night to play Mansions of Madness, which also had me do a 10-minute walk because I parked so far away. In the midst of having some drinks I remembered to sign-up for boxing. To my surprise a lot of classes were already full, but member sparring (my main target) was available and a Thursday evening class with 2 coaches I’ve never trained under was also open. After I registered, I felt distracted the rest of the night and kept thinking about sparring. It was an exciting feeling.

Sunday was a helluva training day:

Swiss bar bench press: 260 x 5 x 5
Super-set with lying dumbbell rows: 115s x 5 x 8

Incline Swiss bar bench press
175 x 9, 7

Lateral raises
15s x 10
35s x 2 x 10

455 x 5
8 shrugs at the top

Alternating dumbbell curls
50s x 2 x 16


2.5 mile run to the bank and back

Shadowboxing with headgear, mouthguard, and 16 oz gloves: 3 rounds, 4 minutes each

Despite it being in the 30s outside, I was drenched in sweat after taking my headgear off. My fingers were cold when starting the run and became warm at the halfway point.

As for the lifting, I had in my mind to do at least 2 deadlifts, wanting to go easy on myself after last week’s failed reps, but 455 ended up feeling like air. Good weight to build confidence up again.


Got totally schooled in sparring yesterday. I was paired up with coach Gabriel again, probably because we’re both similar weights, and just before starting, his cornerman coach (who’s cornered me before) called me over to explain that this isn’t an intro to sparring class anymore so Gabriel is going to go harder on me. The most frenetic sparring session I’ve ever been in ensued. The hits were hard, but it was the pace that threw me off my game. I’ve sparred hard in Muay Thai before, but they could always be interrupted by my own hard shots. Gabriel kept surging forward and I couldn’t really find my rhythm. It was my first time going against someone that high level who’s also a pressure striker.

Ate some big shots as a result, but defended decently against the majority of them. The problem was just how much on defense I was across the 3 rounds. I also started to tense up more than previous spars, which made me tired but not gassed. There were moments when he eased up so I could get some offense going, and I noticed just how much my arms felt like lead in those windows despite training for much longer rounds.

Afterwards my cornerman gave me tips about movement and defending, and then Gabe worked with me on the ground floor to polish up my guard. People started leaving early, but my hour of sparring class wasn’t up so I smashed the heavy bag for the remaining 20 minutes with short breaks. It was a very good learning experience and right now I just want to spar and train more.

Also of note is that I went into the gym with both my shoulders now in pain, not just the right, and I suspect it had an effect on my aggression and arm fatigue during sparring. Will keep up the rehab and rotate out painful pressing movements. I’m thinking today will be a light axle press medley followed by either dips or skullcrushers, depending on dips feeling good or not.


Walked to the pull-up bars on my lunch break yesterday and did another 60 second dead-hang.

Got the squats and log press part of this workout done just before a storm hit, and then lifted inside for the rest.

SSB box squats
330 x 5
350 x 5
380 x 5

Dips: 8

Log press
140 x 8
90 x 20

Chin-ups: 20

Dumbbell skullcrushers
35s x 10
50s x 10, 7
35s x 10, 10

Hammer curls
35s x 10
50s x 10, 10
35s x 10, 10

Experimenting with different light upper-body movements to see what hurts. Basically, everything. Log press with 150 felt fine until rep 6 so I shut it down. Settled on skullcrushers and got a satisfying arm pump super-setting them with curls.

Feels like hitting the bag hard after sparring worsened my left shoulder, particularly left hooks.

I decided not to cancel boxing and will go today. Never worked with this coach before. Will make sure to take it easy and not throw anything hard except right straights and uppercuts.

By the way, quads still hurt a bit, too. Made the right call to do punch-the-clock box squats instead of that 20-rep squat/deadlift hell super-set. Will squat heavy again on the weekend, and I’ll see if I can handle heavy 3-board pressing without pain.


Left shoulder is feeling much better and no longer aches when at rest.

Boxing yesterday went great. Ended up being my first lady coach ever, for any martial art, and it was the perfect class to attend with a healing shoulder. Intensity was low and technique was the focus. Very similar to Tuesdays, except combos were simpler and we didn’t continue to build on and add to the same string. Informed my partner that I’d be throwing light with my left hand, but was still able to put out a pretty snappy jab. Left hooks on the shield were definitely light, but it was an opportune moment to focus on putting my whole body behind the strike and whittle down any habit of arm striking.