Though I am not one who likes to assign terms for people because I believe that should be reserved for mental-health professionals, I believe I have worked with several women who seemed psychopathic, most notably a former administrator in a skilled nursing facility.
She would sit at the head of a conference-room table during meetings, wild-eyed and head shaking, pound her fist on the table, point her finger at a person next to her, yell and berate him or her, and repeat this for everyone in attendance.
Like so:
(Pounds fist.)
“You! Rararara! I f—g told you….! You better…! The state (surveyors) is gonna look at this! Ra-ra-ra!”
(Pounds fist, moves onto next person.)
“And you! Rararara! You better make sure….! I got a call from family members…!”
(Pounds fist, moves onto next person.)
“You! Rararara! Did you check…! You better make sure…!”
And on and on and on, until everyone was terrorized like battered dogs.
She one time called me into her office, showed me an example of my work that was acceptable (I knew my profession better than she did), and screamed, “What the fuck is this?!”
She routinely lied to people, and I think she did so while knowing the people she spoke to knew she was lying. She once did that to me. I thought to myself, “You know that I know you’re lying.” At this point of my life, I would say that.
More than once as interviewees she wasn’t fond of left her office, who seemed to be nice people I wouldn’t mind working with, she put up the L sign with her fingers against her forehead and would silently mouth, “loser.”
She would not encourage, but demand, false documentation, even while Department of Health workers were conducting annual surveys, double billing, and request that therapists urge residents or healthcare proxies to have those in their care to stay longer than needed, to bill more from insurance, even when there was no potential or further care was unneeded. Who the hell knows how much fraud was committed at that place.
She also would abruptly flip in her feelings towards other people. You know, one day like them, the next day hate them. There were several good employees who were fired, left the workplace in tears, and not one person could make any sense of the matter.
She also sometimes would say unprofessional stuff to employees, like, “Are you f—g retarded/stupid?”
To this day, she contacts my friend who she trained to be an administrator at another facility under the same ownership here and there, and once attempted to get him involved in some legal matter that he has no obligation to.
She was eventually fired by the owner.
All kinds of wackos, male and female, worked in that place.
A female speech therapist I shared an office with flipped out after I politely requested she not do something, namely not speak to me like I was a moron, though I did not word it like that. She immediately slammed her desk, said, “You’ve been speaking down to me ever since you got here,” and then went on a five-minute tirade I zoned out on as I did not know what the hell she was talking about. I don’t talk down to people and had minimal dealings with her during the three weeks I had worked there so far.
This one eventually got fired too, as she would evaluate people who had no potential and falsely documented and billed over and over and over again. Someone warned me about her, and while gossiping to me (I don’t ask for gossip) told me she went on a date with a doctor who worked there, and during the date, suspected he was amused by a scantily-clad woman on a television screen in the restaurant, and publicly flipped out on him!
She also was a routine liar.