K Guys Another Cycle Proposal Thread

So lets say i have a bunch of gear, Test E Sust Deca and A-50.

Now here is what i am thinking,Frontload a gram the first week but each shot is 250mg test E and 250mg Sust.Obviously the sust because it it fast acting.Now what comes to mind is the faster esters in the sust bringing down my overall dose for the week.

After first week go into E3D 250mg Test E with 125mg sust.So basicly two vials of E and 1 vial of sust a week.

Also 400mg deca a week, Not sure on dosing this as far as how often to pin the D.I would like a fixed schedule on the deca like every sunday morning and wednesday night.How does that sound.

last is 50mg Anadrol a day to little a dose, I have read recomendations that say that 100-150 mg a day for anadrol.

i wanna go 12 weeks and run the Anadrol after week 4 for 4 weeks.

I have Arimidex and Nolva

This would be my 3rd cycle.

J-J, Bones, Westclock and Waylander your insight is very much respected.

I have a feeling most will tell you that 400mg deca/wk is more than what you need. Also, you’ll want some cabergoline on hand to control prolactin from the deca. You should also cut the deca out one week before your last shot of test.

As for sust, most people suggest shooting EOD, not E3D, but that may change because you’ve got enanthate in this cycle.

You’ll get more detailed advice from the regulars. lol

I love 50mg of drol. 100mg is better, but to think 50mg is ineffective in some way is to be mistaken.

I split the dose of most orals - even Adex, morning and evening. (Dbol; 3x/day).

I never noticed much from increasing Nandrolone from 300mg to 400mg i must admit - some use over 600mg as standard but i really do not consider it useful.

It is a great muscle builder at 200mg and i always find that at that dose the side effects it is known for as a progestin seem lesser(or less frequent).

300mg Is the most i would use but again i do notice more issues (sexually) at that dose… so i woud stick to the highly effective 200mg…

There is no need to run both the Enanthate and the Sustanon - unless you only have enough to run a full cycle with them both.

I dont understand the frontload maths you wrote - so just use roidcalc and that is close enough for anyones need.

So for the A-50, could I cut the pills into 4ths and take a quater pill throughout the day or all 50mg at once.

200mg on the deca it is and I can eliminate the Sust no prob.

So how does a gram week one then 750mg week 2 into 500mg from then on sound.

[quote]horsepuss wrote:
So for the A-50, could I cut the pills into 4ths and take a quater pill throughout the day or all 50mg at once.[/quote]

If you want to take 50mg a day, take 25mg in the morning and 25mg around 8 hours later. (no, don’t start stressing if you cannot… and planning some complex way to dose while swimming or some such thing - just around that length of time…[quote]

200mg on the deca it is and I can eliminate the Sust no prob.

So how does a gram week one then 750mg week 2 into 500mg from then on sound.

Do you want to run 500mg a week? If you inject 250mg 2x/wk then injecting 750mg on day 1 (then 250mg every 3-4 days thereafter) will ‘front-load you’ from the first shot.

I notice my muscles swell in the first couple of days when i frontload properly.

I would suggest you use cabergoline with the nandrolone - i personally do not think that using Dopamine agonists for short durations occasionally is likely to cause any issue at all - however i do believe that before starting to use ANY drug (even ancillaries which people assume to be wholly safe due to their use in cycles) you should look into it thoroughly and see if it is something you are happy to use or risk using.

It is not a good idea to self medicate (even recreationally) without total understanding of what you are doing. Of course most DO… and i most certainly HAVE - but that doesn’t make it a good idea!

I am only mentioning it to you as you seem a little young and/or naive - no offence.


Is the Caber recomended to combat Deca dick, if so wouldnt the test do that.

And come on man, I have no doubt that you have forgotten more than I know but young and naive, c’mon man.

[quote]horsepuss wrote:
Is the Caber recomended to combat Deca dick, if so wouldnt the test do that.

And come on man, I have no doubt that you have forgotten more than I know but young and naive, c’mon man.[/quote]

No test will not do that. Test will provide DHT through conversion… you can read the rest about nandrolone based libido loss by yourself.

Thanks for the info

[quote]horsepuss wrote:
Is the Caber recomended to combat Deca dick, if so wouldnt the test do that.

And come on man, I have no doubt that you have forgotten more than I know but young and naive, c’mon man.[/quote]

Being young and naive isn’t about what you think i know or not - i am not being arrogant, but simply making a point that is never (or rarely) made on this forum.

The point is, drugs should be used with care and intellect, and we should understand at least the basics of what effect the body has on them and vice versa.
Usually we have medical professionals managing our prescription drugs use… but if you want to use them without medical supervision, i personally think that you should know what you are doing to some small degree (assuming you care about your life, health and such to the degree the effort is worth it).

If you want to use a drug you should look into how it works, (google is honestly a great tool) what meds it can be used with and what it can’t (interaction).
Also the basic (pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profile) activity of the drug is very important as that will tell you (among other things) what is likely to happen if you take the drug.

It is not necessary to start studying text books on pharmacology or whatever… but just know what the drug does and how in laymens terms.
Nandrolone is a progestin - if you learn what this means to a man who uses it, then you will answer your own questions.

Of course though, that will take time and effort - which is why MOST do not bother.

Steroids are a type of drug that when used in doses above what we produce naturally, they are highly likely to give a range of side effects, and in order to control and/or avoid those you need to understand them.
Estrogen is the most talked about - but progesterone (progestin is a synthetic progesterone) and prolactin are other hormones that are raised with high doses of certain AAS and as such cause problems - Estrogen, progest and prolactin, the big three fuckers of anabolic hormone use.

You say ‘deca dick’ but you dont really understand it - again, dont get upset as i am not having a pop, i am just trying to point out that just asking questions is not enough if you are trying to be responsible.
You should read up on the various terms and drugs you want to use, to get a more thorough understanding.

Again, it isn’t really just you - I know that the majority here wont have a full comprehension of the term deca dick (and i hate the term) - it IS kinda vague after all… but seeing as you post a bit, you should be looking into things yourself.

That is if you are wanting to ‘self-medicate’ of course.

If you ‘just wanna use drugs’ ‘wanna juice’ or just dont give a shit, then a double shot of T and a double shot of deca a week will most definitely work for a fact - but the fact that you are here shows that you (and I and the rest of us) are interested in doing MORE than this… as any fool can shoot a barrel full of drugs, it takes an adult to know why.

Lastly - you have (IIRC) had it all laid out to you… but you should question why. Not to me or others per se, but to yourself and look it up.

Caber? Why? …so look it up and see why it is being recommended.

Better naive than ignorant… and if you choose to ignore this, that is what you’d be.

Still, no offence :wink:

J-J as usuall great fucking post, that should be cut and pasted into a stickie.

My comment sayng c’mon man was a little sarcasm, i understood what you meant.Your right the term deca dick is bad.It doesnt do anyhting to explain the cause of said deca dick.

I understand prolactin and caber but arent sure what dose to use the caber if im using 200mg of nandro a week.I will wear out google finding out.I have allready found a source for caber but will need to find out how much I need.

So thanks again for your insight it is allways appreciated, Salud.

1mg of caber per week worked for 300mg/wk of deca in my case