Came time to renew my meds for another 2.5 months, and I requested to double my dose of HCG. I had been on 500 IU a week, which, based on what I’m reading and seeing others’ typical doses, seems pretty low. 1000 IU a week seems more typical, yes?
The doc was really great. Friendly, knowledgeable, and was really up front about a lot of stuff that got me thinking. I hadn’t been using my AI the whole time I’ve been on TRT, and instead have been using an herbal/OTC AI (Calcium d saccharate, chrysin, etc.) Haven’t been having high E2 symptoms other than maybe some ED here and there. I feel great. The doc convinced me to at least start doing .25 mg/ a quarter pill once a week. Let’s see how it works out.
My question is, should I still take me daily herbal/OTC AI, or don’t even worry about that anymore? Is .25mg once a week a good place to start?
Also, I asked about test enanthate as opposed to my current cypionate. Pros? Cons?
I’m currently on 200mg/wk of test Cyp, injected twice a week, and moving up to 1000IU of HCG twice a week at same time.
EDIT: my last labs were in November, and my E2 levels were at like 52. Test was at 550. That was when I switched companies, new company boosted me too 200 mg/wk, added HCG, and will give me a lab in a few months. Doc said I might be low responder, maybe the product from the previous company was bad, but regardless, he said to start using the AI at a small amount.
Thanks so much in advance, everyone.