Just Came Into Some Anavar

As the thread title says I have come into some anavar that a buddy of mine had to get rid of.Anyways I am looking to run 4 bottles (10mgs each cap 100 in a bottle)worth.I have never ran anavar before as it was just too expensive(yes my buddy gave it to me pretty cheap) and didn’t go with what I was trying to do being on AAS.I did bulking cycles all of the time.

Anyways, I was looking at 80mgs a day for 6 weeks(just over 3 bottles)Could up it to 90mgs a day.

I would make this into a cutting cycle so I was thinking this.

weeks 1-6 90mgs of anavar ED
weeks 1-8 Test E at 250mgs E3D
weeks 1-10 adex at 025mgs EOD
weeks 11-14 nolva at 40/40/20/20

I really don’t know if this could be termed as a cutting cycle with the test so I could easily switch it to a bulk cycle and up the test or lower the test(or substitute it) if that would help.

Anyways I just don’t want to run the var by itself but would like to get the most out of it.

Just trying to make the best out of the situition.

Opinions are welcome.

Is that a picture of you in your avatar? I have some opinions for sure, some background info would be great. Such as Height, weight, age, training time/experience, # of cycles, etc

Sorry about that.

No that isn’t me in my avatar.Good looking guy though and he obviouslly has a good eye for nice tat’s…LOL

I am 32 years old.5’11" 225lbs and around 16% body fat.

I have been training for 11 years with some short breaks in btwn.

I have ran 5 cycles.tren/test,tren/test/dbol,test only,Test/drol.

Somd of my max lifts have been 550lbs squat,515lbs deadlift and a 365lbs bench.

Anyways hopes this helps.If u need anything more let me know.

Well, you certainly sound like someone who has experience with these kinds of drugs. You are pretty strong too. 90 mgs of anavar is pretty high, most people will use around 60-80 mgs a day of it. Of course, you can go as high as 90-100, but as I have no personal experience with this drug yet I cannot comment on it.

If it were me, I would probably use the anavar later in the cycle, and use it for weeks 4-9. This way you will maximize the synergy of it with the test, and also be able to have a fast acting oral androgen in your system while the test leaves your system. That is just me though…

Plus, abdominal bloating has been reported in high doses of anavar. Let us know how it works out for you…

[quote]idowhatican wrote:
Well, you certainly sound like someone who has experience with these kinds of drugs. You are pretty strong too. 90 mgs of anavar is pretty high, most people will use around 60-80 mgs a day of it. Of course, you can go as high as 90-100, but as I have no personal experience with this drug yet I cannot comment on it.

If it were me, I would probably use the anavar later in the cycle, and use it for weeks 4-9. This way you will maximize the synergy of it with the test, and also be able to have a fast acting oral androgen in your system while the test leaves your system. That is just me though…[/quote]

Thanks I appreciate the compliment.Been working hard at this for a long time.Just have to get the BF down and I’ll be laughing.

Never knew about the bloating.I think I’ll run it from weeks 4-9 as suggested.I might start the first 2 weeks of that at 60mgs a day and move up from there depending on the side effects.I plan on doing some more research and doing this cycle in about 5 months.I’ll be starting a tren/test/drol cycle very shortly.

Thanks again

I think that 80-90 mg/day is too high. Not only because of side effects (disturbed liver enzymes, high cholesterol), but also because of ca. 70% suppression of endogenous test. From the data I have seen, 60 mg/day seems to be an ideal dose. And at 40 mg/day, no dramatic side effects have been noted in HIV patients even after 12 weeks. So I think that when you run it at 40-60 mg/day, you can certainly run it the whole 8 weeks together with test.

Yeah, that is probably a good plan. Some people would say it would be better to run 60mgs a day for a longer duration, then running 90mgs for a shorter duration… Either way, I wouldn’t run an oral longer than 8 weeks.

Sell it to a woman at jacked up prices and make a profit.